
Monday, August 1, 2016

Road trip: Meigs County Barns, Farms and A Little More

A few more photos from our little road trip last week. There is of course much more to Meigs county than my photos will show. The old towns of Middleport (named, I heard, because it is midway between Pittsburgh and Cairo Illinois, or perhaps midway along the Ohio stretch of the Ohio river, take your pick) and Pomeroy were not on our path because we visit those places pretty often. You can see more about Pomeroy here and here

This was a trip to explore Meigs back roads, and here is some of what we saw:

Little white houses...they dotted the countryside. Most were very well maintained.

And a random boat, miles from any river.

We were surprised to see Amish buggies here.

We turned back homeward at Albany, OH. The old downtown seems to be dying here, as businesses move toward the newer four-lane highway that skirts the edge of town.

I loved this house. 

We hope to take another trip this week. Where will we go? Who knows? The joy was in the rambling, just turning here and there to see what we found. This was a fun day, and we took home some good memories that I posted on Facebook:

The guy we passed on the highway on his small motorcycle, helmet on but no facemask. His grimace was fierce as his two clashing plaid shirts blew in the wind, and a trail of traffic followed his slow, steady pace.

The girl at the thrift shop who is in college now, but used to work at the local bank. "We got robbed seven times," she said, "and after that last one I said, that's it I'm outta here."

The elderly man at the ice cream shop, bringing his own bowl so he could buy a bowl of ice cream for his dog while he himself ate a large chocolate cone. 

The owl, perched on a line in the middle of a hot day, watching us go by but not flying off.

The small country church named The Endtime House of Prayer. Maybe they know something we don't?

Stay cool, my friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I love the man who brings a bowl for ice cream for his dog! And Sue, I embiggened the picture of the little white house with the metal roof so I could see how that porch roof had been built, and saw something else too. In the tall grass to the left, is that a bear? Or a painted cutout of a bear? Funny, either way!

  2. By the way, I meant "funny if you didn't notice when you took the picture" not "funny there may be a bear in the yard." I've had bears right on my porch. Not funny.

  3. Oh, it's just a painted cutout, lol! I saw it when I took the photo but didn't think about how others might see it in a smaller frame.

  4. I really wanted a photo of the dog eating her ice cream but she was so protective of her man that she would not eat while we were anywhere near him.


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