
Friday, October 14, 2016

Bodmin Morning and Back Roads

The morning views from our little stone hut on Bodmin moor. 

The remains of this tower, yet another bit of the abandoned mines of the area, drew my camera again and again as the sun's first rays lit it up.

And this little pond, probably part of yet another abandoned mine, but how lovely in the mist of morning.

It was September 21-22 when we were here, the Autumn Equinox. I woke in the night and got Larry to take me back to the Hurlers, just to be in that ancient place on such a night. The sky was filled with stars, more than I have ever seen, even on our quiet ridge at home. It was quiet, a few people, a few sheep. I kept to myself while Larry waited in the car. Quiet, peace, and a powerful pull to just be there. It was magical and I will never forget that time in the dark on the moor among the stones. No photos, though--in my hurry I left camera and phone behind.

And then I slept like a baby til the sun woke me. Tea, coffee, a walk down the hill to shower, a quick breakfast and the day was underway.

My morning outfit consisted of my nightgown with my pants pulled on underneath and a sweater on top because it was pretty chilly.

As we drove along narrow little lanes to our next destination, I spotted this gate and stile.

And then, more stones.

This at one time had a lage interlocking cross-stone and top to make a cross.

And back on the meandering roads we went...

When I look at these photos I can hardly believe I saw these places and things in person, but I did. The memories stay with me, and at night since our return home my dreams have all been taking place in Cornwall. I am usually walking on the moor in my dreams, and there are large stones around me. I suppose one day I will be back to my normal dreams but for now it is good to return, if only in my sleep.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It seems to me you saw the very best. We searched for the sacred stones all over Cornwall and those are the memories I'll always carry.

  2. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing your trip with us.


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