
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Then There Was This Place: Carn Euny

As we were driving towards the southern end of Cornwall, I spied a brown sign, one of those that indicates a historical site. Carn Euny, it said.

We turned into the lane and it was truly the narrowest of any of the roads we'd been on so far. The hedges scratched the car on both sides and towered over us as we drove along. Rain was threatening, no doubt blown in by that strong wind we experienced at Hell's Mouth.

 Several miles in, we found the place we were looking for. We weren't sure but this nice neighbor assured us we were on the right track.

I don't know how to describe this path. The gardens on each side are huge, tall, extensive and maintained by one man who lives in a stone house at the path's beginning. I have never seen 20-foot tall blue hydrangeas before!

The path to the carn led over this stone stile.

 We met the neighbor yet again. Her dogs were completely friendly and we had a nice chat.

And then, in the middle of a pasture field, we were there:

 Trenches, stone walls and tunnels are about all that is left of this village, built in prehistoric times with thatched roofs.

Larry exploring one of the tunnels.

I went through as well. So intriguing, so full of mystery. Who built it? Why underground like this? For protection against attack, or from the weather?

Then we found the entrance to an underground circular hut.

Inside it was dry and comfortable--the rain had started so we settled down to eat our lunch.

I wondered, who last touched this stone? How long ago? Did they live here or was this larger space a communal gathering place? Was the fireplace for heat or ritual burning?

We could see the sun had broken through so we finished our lunch and headed back outside.

Standing just above the village, trying to get a photo of the layout of the place.

 It was starting to sprinkle again, but I wanted to follow the path further on, to see what might be ahead...

Next post: the secret artist.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I think what you found is a "fogou". They only exist in Cornwall and no one's sure what they were used for, though the most likely guess is that they were used for storing food of some kind. Or maybe they were used in wet weather for eating sandwiches!

  2. So enjoying this series of your wonderful trip.

  3. You're right, John. That is what this room was called. It was so satisfying, in some odd way, to be sitting in there. It was like connecting back through time to those people who built it. Wouldn't they be amazed to know it still offers shelter all these years later?

  4. I am so in awe of the history and beauty of the place where my paternal family originated. I find myself falling in love with this beautiful land more and more with every story I read.


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