
Monday, December 19, 2016

Blackwater Falls and Caroling in the Snow

It was a perfect morning for Christmas carols. Snow was whirling outside the windows, good food on the breakfast buffet scented the air, and Santa was there, along with his wife, an elf and the Snow Queen. And Jeff Seager and I were there to add to the festivities with music and singing.


We had a great time. It was a bit different from our usual performances, where the audience is mostly stationary. This group was fluid, people coming in and out, visiting with Santa, getting their breakfasts, and so on, but it was so much fun. We kept the songs coming, encouraging people to sing along, and occasionally chatting with Santa.

The crankie wasa big hit too. Most had never seen one before. I turned the crank and the pictures I'd drawn scrolled along with the words to the song. Several people took photos, planning to make their own crankies. How's that for spreading a folk tradition! I have Elizabeth LaPrelle and Ellen Gozion to thank for inspiring me, and Penny Anderson of Pittsburgh to thank for encouraging me to give it a try. The song I used was very short (for this first try), and is called All Children Are On Christmas Eve.

Another activity that everyone enjoyed was the song/play Christmas Day in the Morning. All the willing participants got masks to wear for their parts, and acted out the planting activities (plowing, sowing, raking, etc) as the song went along. We laughed so hard!

Singing, laughing, and singing more--what can be more fun?

We even got to talk to Santa!

The whole crew responsible for the morning's merriment. It was truly a gift of the season for everyone who attended, and for us as well.

We didn't record it, but here is the unforgettable Jean Ritchie. singing There Was a Pig Went out to Dig (aka Christmas Day in the Morning) on YouTube.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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