
Friday, December 9, 2016

Catching up with Friends: A Half Dozen of My Favorite Blogs

I am taking a little time this morning to catch up with my blogging friends. Larry has got the fireplace going again this morning since there were good hot ashes from last night, so it's cozy and warm on this first snowy morning of the year.

What I like about blogging is that people take time with it, to write stories, descriptions, essays, and to post many photos. While I love Facebook, blogs are deeper and richer.

The snow will probably end soon, and all we will have from it is this little skiff, but it's enough for a starter. Folklore has it that the date of the first snowfall is how many days of snow we will have. Since it's just December 9, looks like we won't have much this year. Assuming, of course, that the folklore is correct!

So on to the blogs I've been reading this morning. I am so behind, but it's lovely to catch up with everyone.

Gretel posted a snippet of a poem as part of her post about the scrapbooks she used to make before Pinterest became the place for storing craft and art ideas. I really liked the images in this verse:

'Full Moon' (By Vita Sackville-West)

She was wearing the coral taffeta trousers
Someone had brought her from Ispahan,
And the little gold coat with pomegranate blossoms,
And the coral-hafted feather fan;
But she ran down a Kentish lane in the moonlight,
And skipped in the pool of the moon as she ran.

She cared not a rap for all the big planets,
For Betelgeuse or Aldebaran,
And all the big planets cared nothing for her,
That small impertinent charlatan;
But she climbed on a Kentish stile in the moonlight,
And laughed at the sky through the sticks of her fan.

Do stop by Gretel's blog and see her charming and so intricate felted animals. We got to see her studio and a bit about her process when we visited her in September while traveling in England. The skill and imagination needed are impressive.

Michelle does a Random Friday post, including links to all sorts of interesting people and places. Her photos are not to be missed--she has quite an eye. 

At Blind Pig and the Acorn, Tipper re-visited the Foxfire Christmas book and posted a touching story about giving, back in the days of World War II. The whole book is full of good stories and memories of mountain holiday celebrations--and Tipper's blog is just as good, a thoughtful look at Appalachian life now as well as historical posts, folklore, vocabulary, and so much more. 

MacQue let us know about her broken wrist in her most recent post. Quite the traveler, she writes about life in the South but also about her travels outside of the US. Here's my hopes that her recovery is quick and easy.

My cousin John in England writes an excellent blog filled with photos, history and lore of England. He is currently main caregiver for his mother so his rambles, as he calls them, are limited these days. 

Dave Tabler is the author of the intriguing blog, Appalachian History. His most recent post is about the haunting of the Betts House in Calhoun county, WV--a story I have researched and often tell. We visited the site of the home in the story, and di and a good bit of exploring in the area. You can read about my adventures here.

It's time to leave the fire and get busy. I made quite a mess yesterday getting decorations finished, preparing CDs to ship and pricing items for our booths so today I will be cleaning up behind myself.

Have a good day, friends!
Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Thanks for your kind thoughts. Hunting and pecking with one hand is a pill. so probably not much blogging for a while. Love Gretel's blog and that poem

  2. We got a skiff of snow this week, it's gone now... You have given me some blogs to look in on, thank you!

  3. We got our second real snow last night - enough that my driveway was plowed this time. Can't help thinking of that as a big expense, but it's necessary these days. My shoveling power is minimal.
    I feel the same about blogs vs other social media. I like twitter and use it a lot, but for me there's no substitute for reading blogs. Depth, I suppose. And of course you and Tipper are two of my must-reads :)


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