
Monday, February 20, 2017

Back to Painting: Riverbend Booth Upate

It was a beautiful morning for a walk, so that's what we did. We had to give up on walking for a while because Larry was having so many knee/back/neck issues, but today he was finally feeling good enough to go again. We found that we were able to walk all the way to the top of our steep driveway without a pause, which is pretty good. We also picked up a large bag of trash as we walked, stuff that had been tossed along our road over the winter months. There's still more; our bag filled pretty quickly.

We've been on a whirlwind of furniture work the past few days. Two larger pieces sold at our Riverbend Antique Mall booth and I had nothing ready to go. That meant choosing from our stockpile some pieces that could be completed quickly. We worked Friday afternoon and most of Saturday and then again Sunday morning, and by the time we were done we had a big load to take to the mall.

Here's a look at what we took. Once again I forgot my camera, and my cell phone photos didn't come out well so please forgive the quality of some of these photos. I blame the cameraperson entirely.

I love rocking chairs but usually steer away from buying them to sell because they seem to be a hard sell. But this one, I think, will attract a buyer.

 We have several old bikes that we need to get into booths. We wired a little wicker basket to this one and added some silk flowers.

Here's the rocker, at home in the booth, with a quilt to keep it warm.

The dresser has been in the booth for about a month now, but the little white table was a new add yesterday.

Weird angle on this photo! Cracked ice formica top table and the white bread box are also new to this booth. I don't have chairs for the table yet, still looking.

Treadler base table and some Easter bunny blow molds are also new. Larry whipped out that table pretty quick.

Here's a little better look at the table. 

And a closer look at the top. This top has a funny story with it. I bought a table at a thrift shop that was kind of short, and this was the top on it--but it was painted white and had a notch cut out of one side. We took the top off because we had a porcelain top we thought we could use on the short table, and I bought leg extenders for it--who knew there was such a thing! That project, however, has been on hold. When we did a room cleanup a couple months ago we almost pitched this top. Then when we were looking for a top for the treadle, we came upon this one. Larry cut off the notched area, and when he was sanding it all these layers of paint appeared. Needless to say, we left it just as it was, just waxed it for protection. 

I love, love, love the way this desk came out! Will someone else love it as well? We shall see. This had damage to the top drawer that took a creative repair and necessitated the paint. I am hoping someone will want a bright and sunny spot in their workroom or home office. Yellow isn't everyone's favorite color, but I could not see this desk in any other color. The old portable typewriter even has the manual that came with it. So cool.

Now, maybe I can get back to work on the dresser I was planning to do next. Or maybe that other table. Or the credenza. Or some chairs...

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


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