
Monday, April 17, 2017

Feathered Friends

Birds around our place today:

Downy woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Chipping Sparrow
Blue Jay
Purple Finch
Eastern bluebird
Red-tailed Hawk
Mourning Dove

Heard but not seen: whippoorwill and screech owl.

And thank goodness, the snowbirds have left! Which means we might be out of danger of freezes now.

It gets pretty noisy around here sometimes, especially if you add in the chickens. We have been feeding year-round and see a decided increase in the number of birds on our property. We feed black sunflower seeds, thistle seed for the finches, and suet cakes for the woodpeckers. The bird bill is not quite as high as the cat food bill but getting close. But we get such pleasure from seeing and hearing them, it's worth every penny.

Now, waiting on the hummingbirds. They should arrive within the week, since I hear they are already in southwestern Virginia. We'll be putting out the feeders tomorrow.

What birds do you see in your area?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I love seeing the birds.
    They bring me such pleasure.
    I do not feed them, but there are many around my yard, but more at my son's place.

  2. Let's far at my place: goldfinches, purple finches, chackadees, nuthatches, tufted titmouse(mice?), mourning doves, cardinals (yippee! been trying to get them to come to the feeder but this is the first time I think it may become a habit!), phoebes (flycatchers), robins, sparrow (not sure what kind, didn't get a good look), and I think I saw a cowbird, which I would happily do without as I don't like their thuggish reproductive strategy. Also I'm hearing owls every evening and sometimes in the mornings - I think Barred owls. Haven't heard the Great Horned Owls yet this year, but my fingers are crossed.
    By the pond down the road: a heron (seen from a distance, but likely a Great Blue), mallard ducks, canada geese, and a lot of little swoop-over-the-water birds that I haven't identified yet. And the pileated woodpecker on my blog - heard but not seen :)
    And I have to laugh, because I just looked out the window to see if I've left anyone out, and standing smack dab in the middle of a large planter where I left sunflower seeds for the mama squirrel is my handsome Campine rooster!


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