
Monday, May 1, 2017

May Day!

Happy May, my friends, and Happy Beltane to those who join that celebration! And Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!

There is a lot of folklore and superstition connected with the first of May. Some of these I've written about before, so here are some links to those posts:

First, that rabbit thing. All about rabbits, superstitions and more.

Happy Nutty May Day! Everything from nuts to maypoles.

And then there was the time we went to the Maypole event at the John C. Campbell Folk School...

...and the post about washing your face in the morning dew. The dew was light here, because it's going to rain today, but I found enough to give my face a good scrubbing! So maybe I'll see the fairies? 

My brother is a morris dancer, and his group greets May with a celebration every year, as I wrote about in this post.

So there you have it--lots to do on this May Day!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We're having a rainy May Day, but not a frosty one, very warm. I didn't know about washing your face in the morning dew on May Day, have to remember that for next year.

  2. Enjoyed reading your post!
    Happy May Day!

  3. A cold May Day here in Kentucky. I enjoyed your post about your brother, the Morris Dancer!


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