
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Today's To-Do List: Peaches

There was one more basket not in the photo. The little plums are from our tree, the first we've had from it!
1. Pick peaches
2. Can the peaches that are ripe.

That's about it for today. We picked peaches at our son's house, beautiful yellow peaches that are bigger than he's ever had before on that tree.

Plenty of green ones

We got about two bushels, came home sorted ripe/unripe, and put up seven quarts in the end.

Fresh out of the canner,hot hot hot!
There are still plenty of peaches for tomorrow, so guess what will be on the to-do list again?

Loving this garden and fruit year!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. When I was little we would go to the big local cannery, lots of moms, grannies, and kids. We brought our own fruits, and spent the whole day canning. Each of us had a job, mine was to put a small ball of salt in each can for the tomatoes. Granny made the best pickled peaches, and moms sliced peaches were good to. Fond memories of those long hot days.
    Your peaches look yummy!


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