
Friday, August 11, 2017

Late Summer Morning

August mornings...there is something in the light, something in the green, something so peaceful as the gardens and lawn settle back after the exertions of growing. Only the hardiest are still in bloom; the others have given up showboating and are content with green leaves. That's okay with me; the variety of greens is perfect for that late-summer, slow mornings, slanting sun kind of days.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It all looks perfect to me. Those last moments of summer enjoyment before fall sets in.

  2. What a lovely garden, mine is so full of weeds I'm embarrassed.

  3. Your gardens look lovely! I'm enjoying the flowers that have managed to bloom despite this crazy wet Spring and Summer, but my vegetable gardens are enough to make a person weep. Despite all my efforts, the plants look like it's the end of June, not the middle of August. I'm trying to be hopeful for a harvest of candy roasters...we'll see. Meanwhile, enjoying the flowers.


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