
Monday, August 7, 2017

Quilt Hunting

I've been on the lookout for quilts recently. It's a lazy, gray, rainy day here at home so I pulled the quilts out to look them over.

I love old quilts. I've never quilted but admire this kind of handiwork and skill so much; it takes more patience than I have, for sure. Here's some of the ones I've found:

I think this one is my favorite. It's not big, about 50" x 50" so my guess is it was made as a buggy lap quilt. Lots of different fabrics, and in very good condition.

A standard pattern, just squares joined together, making use of the scraps in the bag.

Thirty-two separate squares, a project someone started but didn't finish. I love the vintage fabrics in these.

This yoyo coverlet was a pretty cool find! Very good condition. Like many of these, this quilt has no backing, and was made to be used over a blanket or sheet, mainly for show, I'd think.

Bowtie pattern, but it terrible condition. I will be cutting this one and framing pieces of it, the best use I can make of it as it is. I can't even trim off the bad to make a smaller quilt.

I found two nicely embroidered bird quilts. One has a variety of birds and their names, with a pretty border.

The other has the state birds--but there are only 49 states, so apparently this was made before Hawaii became a state.

This one we use on our bed. Pretty fan pattern, a little damage on the edges, but for $5.00 I think it was worth the price.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Wow I never find quilts around Chicago at a price under $ 75.00, even at a yard sale. You found some good ones.

    My kids call me "Bird" so of course I love those bird quilts.

  2. You have some good ones. I would like to find a yo-yo quilt. That is one I don't have.


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    Click Video to Play
    It all began in 1932, when the husband and wife team of John Louis and Gertrude Mandt opened the first drive-in restaurant in Huntington. They purchased a little piece of land at 2445 Fifth Avenue and built, at a cost of $1,750, a tiny orange building that still stands today. The menu consisted of only two items: Stewart’s Root Beer and popcorn. Sales for the first day totaled an unimpressive 50 cents.

    Hoping to do better the next year, the Mandts added hotdogs to the menu, complete with Gertrude’s mouth-watering chili sauce. Today, the business and the little orange building are still going strong. And so is Gertrude’s mouth-watering sauce, still prepared from a secret recipe closely guarded by her great grandson, John Mandt Jr., the drive-in’s fourth generation owner.

  4. My mamma was a quilter & a keeper of family heirloom quilts. The oldest one I inherited from her was made in the late 1860's by my great grandmother. All the babies in this family line were born to older women so it's only my great-grandmother!

    I put them all away when my mother passed away 11 yrs ago. I couldn't bare to think about wearing them out. But I've been thinking about getting them back out to enjoy now that we don't have any children in our house.

  5. Quilts have character. The cowman's grandmother used to quilt, but boy did she choose some strange combinations.
    I look for quilts when at yard sales and the like, but they are pretty pricey around these parts.
    My quilting days have sorta fallen by the wayside, I hope to remedy that in the future.

  6. Hi, Susanna. Love your quilts. I also have a few that I have picked up down through the years at yard sales and thrift stores -- and a few family ones. Just like certain foods, they comfort me.

  7. Oh the quilts are just wonderful. I love the old fabrics and the feel of antique quilts. I have made many, many quilts, but when I find a wonderful vintage one I like to snatch them up when they are within my budget - if only they could talk. Yours are just lovely. The yoyo quilt is super wonderful - I made one and just fold it and lay it across the bed for accent. I've seen some with just a simple sheet of fabric attached to the back of the yoyos for support - but I prefer mine unbacked.

  8. I agree, Jo Ann. I always wonder where the fabrics came from, esp in the old quilts. Someone's favorite dress? a work shirt or apron? Newer quilts tend to be made with brand new, unused fabric, and they're beautiful, but the old ones carry many stories. My grandmother made quilts--coverlets, I'd call them, since they were tied and not quilted. She sometimes made us dresses that, to be truthful, we didn't really like because she always made the same pattern and it was out of style--drop waists with an inverted pleat in the front. We would find the fabric she used in the dresses in the quilts. I wish I still had one of those quilts--or even one of the dresses!

  9. I have my son a quilt made by his great grandmother and one I designed! Have my daughter one made by other great !!! History!
    I designed one in blues and my ex mom
    In law and ex husband had it made for me as a surprise! Of course, they were not ex at the time!!!


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