
Monday, September 4, 2017

An Apple Day

So we labored on Labor Day. Larry got out the cider press and got it set up and ready to start work tomorrow. I worked on apples in the house, making applesauce that we will freeze until apple butter making time is figured out with our sons. It simplifies what can be a labor-intensive fall activity but doing half of the work in advance. I still need to make about 8 more gallons to have enough for a kettle-full. 15 gallons of applesauce yields about 7 1/2 gallons of apple butter.

I also made apple pie filling and ended up with 9 quarts, enough for 9 pies, or 7 pies if I make them as full as I like them. Again, this is a time-saver later on, especially in the baking-busy holidays.

While I was in the kitchen anyway, I scrambled up a couple dozen eggs, fried a pound of sausage, added it and a cup of shredded cheddar and a pint of zucchini salsa, and then divided up the mixture into 20 wraps. These went into the freezer, for those mornings when we don't have time to make breakfast, or for times when Larry needs a quick lunch or snack.

And that's been my Labor Day. This day is the birthday of my son Jon, who died in 2010, and keeping busy both keeps my mind from sadness while at the same time reminding me of those times when Jon and his family came piling in for Labor Day, to help make cider, have cookouts, go off on crazy four-wheel-drive trips in trucks and Jeeps, and sit up late by the firepit, just talking and enjoying the time together. Those were good days, and I am very grateful to have had those times, and the memories of Jon doing what he loved best--being constantly busy, trying new things, and giving big, big, big hugs. How blessed we were to have him, even if it was for too short a time.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. So sorry about the loss of your son. Wise to have plenty of physical work to do, helps cope.

  2. Blessings to you on this day. You certainly has the best attitude toward dealing with the loss of your son.

  3. Hugs Sue, good memories mixed with the sadness of missing your son. I remember your post a year ago on making apple butter.


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