
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Ireland, Day 2: Sligo to Roundstone, Part 1

We stopped briefly in Inishcrone on the way south from Easkey. I was craving my first water/rock experience, something I seem to need on an annual basis. Oddly, the map we had (from National Geographic) called this town Enniscrone. We found several discrepancies like this.) We walked a little but the wind was so intense! Still, some things caught my eye:

And this! I will be looking into this story as a possible add to the repertoire.

Leaving this pretty town, a tourist destination that was quite busy.

Then we drove on, and stopped at a village recommended by Carmel, our b&b host: Cong. This was the filming site for the John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara movie "The Quiet Man." I am not a John Wayne fan (because of his many affairs, dodging the draft and participation in the McCarthy era Communist witch hunt) but the village is a beautiful place to visit. And who doesn't love Maureen O'Hara?

The place was full of tourists and tour buses, and this sculpture of John Wayne was a real draw.

The ruined church was beautiful, a reminder of days past.

We were surprised to see cremation ashes scattered on one of the graves. One way, I suppose, of being buried with the ancestors.

The calm and beautiful River Cong rises in and flows through the village,

and attracts a variety of birds.

The thatched cottage from The Quiet Man movie.

Here, the river is the dividing line between County Galway and County Mayo.

A old walkway that used to lead to the churchyard.

And a bridge across the river, leading to a quiet little wood with a meditation place and nature paths.

Larry is pointing to the stone carving on the arch, a bishop perhaps?

On the second arch, a king (sorry for the cut-off picture--there's a crown on his head).

In the river, a little stone building, a "fishing hut" for the monks of the abbey.

This stump shows the size of some of the trees in the area.

Like this one!

A beautiful driftwood sculpture I missed the fact that it was a raven at first.

And then, we were on our way through the Twelve Bens to Roundstone.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Ireland is such a pretty country, but really bad weather. We went in the summer a few years ago when England was having a hot summer, went to Ireland and almost froze. Thankfully the people were wonderful and the scenery beautiful even in the rain. It rained the whole time we were there.

  2. You absolutely should write a travel book
    I love John Wayne despite all the above
    Thank U for sharing your trip
    I am
    Aggravated at myself. I was in London and places around there in 2006
    And 2008-group of teachers researching Shakespeare on grants! I thought I would return so didn't do France or Ireland!! Our time was limited! And money! We
    Spent few days in Stratford upon Avon my favorite! You are brave to drive around! My health forbids going at this time so thanks again!!!


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