
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ireland, Day 6, Part 2: The Ring of Kerry

Such a long day and such beauty really deserves two posts.

The overlook above Watertown. Breath-taking. I had an apple that I'd brought from my tree here at home, and I tossed the core over the hill here. Maybe it will sprout? And um, was that illegal?

At one point along the road the stone fences in this photo made a giant X. I don't know if that was intentional or not. I think that might be a ring fort in the center.

Another stop, more beauty. The little islands really draw me.

A closer look.

Can you imagine living in that house down there? I think I'd never want to go anywhere else.

And up ahead, you can see the road we were on a few minutes later.

At this roadside, an entrepreneur grabs and opportunity for fast cash from tourists. And look at the conga line of picture-takers behind him! That made me laugh. Especially the nun!

Onward and downward, and then a sign to an ancient ring fort, a place we'd marked to see.

The way in led us past the prettiest little waterfall.

 A young couple from Germany were there, climbing like nimble goats on the stone walls.

I tried to climb too, but didn't get far. The old man, however, scrambled right up!

To enter the fort, one had to pass through this narrow opening. You can see what a deterrent that would be to attackers.

The area around the fort had a magical feel, perhaps aided by the moss and the lush greenness.

I do not know what kind of bird this is; it looked similar to a female Goldfinch, I thought. A chaffinch, perhaps?

And then back on the road, to follow this load of peat for quite a few miles. We didn't mind at all.

More on this day in my next post!
Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


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