
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Fruitcake Recipe

I promised Gloria I would post the fruitcake recipe we use, so here it is. We do not follow it exactly, as I said yesterday. And for the flour--we mix some (not measured) into the fruit to coat it first. Then after the fruit has been mixed with the other ingredients, we start adding flour until the mixture is the right texture. That part is a little tricky, but it is about the consistency of banana bread dough.

Also, we add the orange and lemon juice with the fruit.

So, here's the recipe-click on the image to make it bigger. I hope it's readable.

This is from an old cookbook that no longer has its cover; probably published in the 30's or 40's.

Good luck if you decide to give it a try!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Reminds me of the time when Mum was given a set of scales and weighed out the ingredients for the first time ever. Having carefully done the weighing she said "That doesn't look right" and shook in a bit more flour!

  2. That made me laugh out loud, John! And that's exactly how I cook. I'll follow the recipe, then decide that it needs something else, or not enough of something, etc. Most of the time I just get sort of close to what the recipe says. Maybe this is an English trait, passed down from Mom?

  3. Lovely to have the old recipes - I use a fruitcake recipe from my mom. It is cooked for most of the day in the oven on low heat in a 9x12 pan - stirring it every hour or half hour - it comes out almost like candy - great old recipe.

  4. John's comment made me laugh out loud - that's exactly what I would do. In fact, it's exactly what I have done!


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