
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Home Again

 Traveling is always good. And so is coming home.

I got back Monday evening, and have been playing catch-up ever since. Isn't it funny how much we have to do when we get back from a trip, even if our mate has stayed home? Laundry, mail, phone calls, ebay, booth work--and sorting out all the stuff I picked up on the way, and unpacking and putting away.

My grandson is visiting from California right now, too, and came over the day after I got home. Such pleasure to see him! I am hoping to make a trip out to LA this spring to see where he is now living. That is sure to be an adventure.

Yesterday we worked on our Marietta booth and got back in time for my late afternoon doctor appointment. I continue to deal with pain in almost every joint in my body, it seems like, but I've learned to just keep going because I am not one to sit around much. With storytelling and garden work now slowing down I can focus on finding out what is causing this pain and what I can do about it. No need for medical advice 😊 I'm on it! It is funny how these days, everyone and his uncle is happy to give advice for medical issues--have you noticed that on Facebook? It's a sign of caring I know, but usually the advice is already something I know about or have tried, or something I will never do. So I will pursue my own path on this and see what happens.

My camera is out in the cold car, and honestly I took few photos this trip because I was driving and/or performing most of the time, so didn't have a lot of opportunity. I did stop to take a few a place along the way that I call the Teepee Rock--not sure if it has another name. This one I zoomed in to get a photo of the reflection of the water on the rocks.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. No advice on combating your pain but I'm very glad you're on it and will hopefully find a solution. I know that dealing with constant pain is not a fun thing to live with. Good luck and take care of yourself,

    Batsy in Idaho

  2. Always good to go and even better to come home. Hope they figure out what's causing your pain, so worrying when we hurt and don't know why.


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