
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Still Snowing and Book Launch Party

Today is another snowy day, with the temperature dropping pretty quickly from its high of 42 this morning to an expected 10-15 tonight. B-r-r-r-r. We're not used to the cold yet, but I think we'd better hurry up!

I am still doing Christmas shows--this week was one for a local church group's annual Christmas dinner. What a fun time, and great food.Last night I was telling tales for a family audience at a library, and had such a good group to work with. All ages from three to about 40, and everyone participated. It was especially nice to see the middle-school kids get into it, even helping with a flannelboard story which is really for little ones, but as I told them, this might be the last time they get to play like this. They were great.

Tonight is something different--I will be reading from my story "Fruitcake" which is included in the new anthology Voices on Unity: Coming Together, Falling Apart, published by Mountain State Press. Tonight is the launch party, so I am practicing--because as a storyteller, I don't read my stuff, and the story can vary depending on the audience and their level of understanding, on the amount of time I have, and other factors. But a written story! It's like carved in stone, and I need to be able to read it well. So, practice.

And back I go to the story. Practice, practice. Wish me well!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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