
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Back on the Ghost Hunt

This evening is the last ghost walk for this year. Showers in the forecast, but unless it's pouring, we'' be on the hunt for Ripley's spooks. Civil War, frontier times, murders, drownings, suicides, and strange events are all on the agenda for our hike.

7:00pm tonight, starting at the courthouse in downtown Ripley, WV!

We're also enjoying a visit from my youngest sister, who came all the way from Virginia to take the walk with me. I know some might think, well, Virginia borders West Virginia so how far could it be? About six hours, actually--because I live on the extreme western edge of our state. So we've had a fine time talking, enjoying the firepit and looking at my glass collection because this sister loves old glass almost as much as I do.

I'm off to make breakfast right now. Then we shall see what mischief Julie and I can get into.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sounds like a hoot. Wish I lived close enough to take that walk.

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  3. Neat! that your sister came to visit and take the walk. I hope the rain holds off. Have fun!

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