
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Ghostly Times

We woke this morning to soft pattering rain. How grateful I am that it waited a few hours! Otherwise we'd have been doing the Ripley Do You Believe? ghost walk soaking wet.

We had a great time last night. The character actors did a great job--the sheriff, the Civil War soldier, the grieving mother, the murder attempt survivor, and the ghost in the graveyard. And all mixed in with stories of strange and unexplained events and tidbits of history.

What was different this year was the traffic--usually when we do th walk we encounter very few vehicles in the back streets but last night there were several. At the graveyard, people pulled up at the house beside it and began unloading groceries. I bet they were surprised to see a great crowd of people to greet them! But all went well.

I slept for nine hours straight last night, a good deep sleep. Today we'll get our Marietta booth in order since it looks like it may be another cool, wet day.

I'll put away the ghost walk for a few days. The next one is on Halloween, October 31. But now I will start finalizing plans for the ghost story writing workshop I'll be leading next weekend at the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace in Hillsboro, WV, and planning my ghost story presentations for the following week in Mannington, Petersburg, and Grantsville, WV.

No rest for the wicked, as my mother would say!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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