
Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Pumpkin House

Every year for the past ten years I have wanted to see this house. My mind could not wrap around the concept of so many carved pumpkins in one place.

Then this year, I decided we had to go. This one needed to be crossed off the bucket list.

It was a drizzly, cold evening, but that didn't seem to matter to the hundreds of people who trekked to Ceredo-Kenova to see the Pumpkin House. It was muddy too, but no one seemed to mind.

And it was worth the trip. Oh yes it was.

We arrived before dark, a good thing as it turned out because by the time we were leaving the traffic was really backed up. We were able to find a place to park easily and get right in. Chalk one up for us!

There were already a good many people there, and the pumpkins were already lit up.

From Welcome...

to pumpkin royalty...

to presidents...

to a pumpkin fire...

 to a wall of pumpkins lighting up in time to the 1812 Overture...

to a plea to vote...

to the Great Seal of the Presidency...

to the owner of the house and the inspiration behind the Pumpkin House who welcomed us all...

it was all just fantastic. People came from many miles away, some staying overnight in motels, to see this sight.  And it was free for the viewing!

Go if you can. You will not be sorry. Even if it's muddy and cold and raining, it's worth it. (Did I mention it's free?)

To get there: I-64 to Ceredo-Kenova, WV exit. Turn right on Oak Street. Turn left onto 8th Street. Find a place to park, then walk to 843 Beech Street and you're there! Go early for easiest parking, and wait a bit for full darkness while you enjoy the food vendors, the people and the pumpkins.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Someone's got a lot of pumpkin pie to get through.

  2. Did you find out who does all the carving? It surely cannot be all one person. -Jenn

  3. That is really Something! Thanks for sharing lots of pictures - I couldn't have imagined it!

  4. Wow! Does the owner car of all the pumpkins? Or do they have help? It does look like a lot of fun.

  5. The owners used to do all the carving, but as the number of pumpkins grew, others volunteered. Now college students, local businesses, and individuals all participate in the carving. It's become a community project. I have many more photos, will post more of them tomorrow. I could have stayed and taken pictures for hours, but Larry was tired and we had a long drive home.

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  10. Wonderful to see this place. thanks


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