
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Traveling West Virginia: Through the Smoke Holes, Part II: Eagle Rocks

We were still in the Smoke Holes canyon, looking for a place I remembered from our last visit: Eagle Rocks. The place was not named for the bird, although eagle sightings of both the bald and the golden eagles are common here. It was named for William Eagle.

A small falls along the way....

and while taking the photo I saw movement, so I swung my camera quickly. The photo didn't come out well--there were two turkeys but they were moving fast!

And then, Eagle Rocks.

Across the road, vines tangle in the woodland.

Down the road behind us, some elderly men get ready for an afternoon of trout fishing.

And then, this grave: William Eagle, Revolutionary War soldier, who lived in this area until his death in 1848. He was born in 1761. We added our penny to the memorial.

From the Find-a-Grave website, the application for his headstone. So glad someone made the effort to do this.

There are apparently other graves on this site, a few marked with a fieldstone, others just sunken spots in the earth. The gravesite is small, huddled between the river and a mountain, but looks out over this beautiful view. A perfect resting place, I think.

We finally wound our way out to the highway, but sure hated to leave.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Another interesting ride with Sue and Larry! Thanks for the photos and info.


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