
Sunday, December 30, 2018

A New Year: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

It's time for reflection isn't it? And a time for hope and optimism too.

How was your past year? I hope that when you look back, it is the joys and laughter that you remember first. As humans, we often tend to focus on the sad and the bad. the hurts and the losses, and forget to savor that which was good, the small satisfactions and pleasures, the deep joys that also came our way over the last months.

Our year was good, overall--a few bumps in the road, but that's how life is, never a smooth path, and surprises around every corner.

The biggest joy, I think, was having a new great-grandchild, and experiencing our granddaughter Hannah's amazement and preoccupation with the whole process of pregnancy and giving birth. She was so funny, and had such joy throughout it was just infectious. This wasn't a planned baby, but never was one more welcomed and loved from conception onward. Perhaps that is why he is such a good, happy, contented little man.

Then there was Larry's new knee. While the pain was far more than he expected, he recovered far faster than anyone expected and is ready to face the replacement of his other knee next week. (Gulp. Next week. I think he's more ready for it than I am.) He is looking forward to less pain and more mobility. He's not one to be still for long and I had my hands full last time keeping him from doing too much too soon. It might be easier this time since it's winter.

Getting to see granddaughter Ally play for her college in a volleyball tournament was pretty awesome too. She's pretty darn good, and I know she's sad to see her career come to an end. She graduated this month, and although she had another year of eligibility, she decided to end volleyball here as she moves on to her master's degree program.

And grandson Clayton suprised us all by joining the Navy when he graduated from college. Apparently this was a long-held dream, but he met his parents' request to go to college first. He's now in training and doing well.

Granddaughter Haley is chomping at the bit to start her new job with the FBI. She may be held up by this current government shutdown, but the job is waiting for her. She is still in the Army National Guard too, so she'll be serving us all in both capacities. Granddaughter Jordan remarried and bought a house and continues to work too hard but seems so happy to be doing it all, even though it gets crazy sometimes trying to work and raise her three children. She does a good job of it, too.

We were so happy to see grandson Jared and gis girlfriend who now live in LA but came in a few times to visit, and son Tommy and his family from Miami who came for Thanksgiving.  Granddaughter Natasha made us proud by being selected student of the month, and making straight A's even though English is her second language.

We also celebrated granddaughter Kate getting a full-time teaching position, and granddaughter Cassidy continuing to have some success with her music career in Nashville. And then there's James, Michaela and Logan who are all high school marching band members and I think all of them now have driver's licences. Growing up so fast!

As I look back at what I've written, I realize that it's mostly about grandchildren! Well, they are the light of our lives, are they not? As for me, it was a productive year in storytelling and writing. I published two new CDs, taught a couple writing workshops, wrote more poetry and a story or two, and the coming year already has some really good events on my calendar.

Larry and I enjoyed some smaller trips this year, no big vacation since there were other big expenses we had to take care. But those shorter adventures were full of pleasure, and being with friends often was really just wonderful.

In the coming year, we are both committed to continuing to make an effort to see people more frequently. Too often the pressure of work and what must be done gets in the way of taking the time to visit or go to live events.

Both of us lost weight in the past year, Larry more than me but what's new!  He gained a bit back and so did I--with so much time on the road eating right can be tricky if not impossible. But we're both lighter than we were at this time last year and the weight is coming off again now that Christmas has passed and our regular diet is back in place.

I am thinking there is a change in the wind as my storytelling focus continues to focus more and more on local history and stories, and on my English/Celtic heritage. I think as we age we look back to the past and our heritage to find meaning for who we are and where we are in life. For years I paid little attention to my roots, but the more I research the more I find reasons why I am so at home in this Appalachian culture--because so much of it came from where my parents came from, those tiny green islands of England and Ireland.

I am sure I've missed some high points in this recap. It's been quite a ride, and I am looking forward to seeing what comes along my path in the coming year.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Have loved your blog this year-grandchildren and children are gifts

  3. I am so happy for all the good things & that you share some of them with us.
    Happy New year!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Thank you for sharing with us. I always enjoy reading your posts.
    Happy New Year!


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