
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Quiet Places

We had a little snow yesterday, a disappointing inch or so that is melting off this morning.But new snow has just begun so there is hope that we might get a nice covering.

I enjoy this time of year when snow might keep us housebound. Right now we're housebound anyway while Larry's knee heals, and frankly neither of us mind being shut-ins. It give us time for the simple pleasures of cooking, reading, and listening to music and radio.

Our log room is one of my favorite places in this house. I try to keep it as uncluttered as possible, although I suppose to those of the de-clutter/downsize mind there is still too much stuff. The latest guru on the de-clutter scene advises only what gives you joy. There is nothing in this room that does not give me joy as all of it has been selected for a reason, and all of it has a story.

One of this new expert's pieces of advice is to keep only 30 books--whatever happened to the research that proves raising children, and living, in a print-rich environment is the best recipe for mental growth, understanding and happiness? I guess the "expert" never read it. Lordy, I have 30 cookbooks alone, and I use all of them! I may be old-school, but I prefer learning from a book, not electronic sources.

In the end, we all make our own decisions about what we want to own. For me a warm, cozy environment with simple entertainments like reading and listening close at hand gives me joy. For other,s perhaps, clean, cool, simple lines are their source of happiness. It takes all kinds--but as I have said before, de-cluttering only sends stuff down the pike to be someone else's problem. If we're lucky, it may find a new home, but far more often unwanted items end up in dumps or shipped to some other country to become a problem there, as I discussed in this link. Far better to think hard before buying and avoid the issues of what to so with all our stuff later.

The biggest bookshelf, built in when we
built our house 45 years ago. This photo
is from 8 years ago-the shelf is completely
full today. 
Today will be a reading, listening and cooking day--noodles are already in process, some to be used for dinner today, some dried for later use. I will be using my cookbooks, my kitchen tools, and reading some of the hundreds of books on my shelves. And finding peace and tranquillity in all of these things.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Ahh, I know just which organizing guru you are talking about. Daughter and I watched on episode of her programme on Netflix over the holidays. Those types of shows make me feel like I'm doing a bad job of cleaning out my drawers. Mind you, watching an episode of Hoarders makes me feel like the cleanest person in the world! -Jenn

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  4. Everything looks warm and cozy! Enjoy the winter.

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  6. Only 30 books? What kind of monster says something like that?

    I've tried and fail to finish that Marie Kondo book a number of times. A lot of it is, well, ridiculous. But for some people, the KonMari method really works. But as someone said in a review of her book, my toilet brush doesn't spark joy, but I'm not getting rid of it. :-)

  7. I like things around me that have meaning to me. Some would consider them junk but I like them and they aren't going anywhere just yet.
    Who could get by with only 30 books!


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