
Monday, February 25, 2019

March Winds, A Little Early

The wind has been crazy wild here the past day or so, and it's still blowing hard.

It's nice in some ways. A lot of leaves have left for some other country, and loose branches have come out of the trees.

It's made a mess though. We've played pick-up in the yard as things blow hither and thither. And this morning, woke up to this, a tree down behind the cellar:

What a close call that was! The freezer is in that building on top of the cellar. A lttle more downhill and we'd have been calling the homeowner's insurance. As it is we just have a mess to clean up.

Our poor swing took a hit too. Do you see that piece of a branch laying across the top of the swing?

That branch was in the big maple, some 30 feet away. Seriously! It blew all that way to break the swing. Luckily it missed the van on its way.

We'd been keeping an eye on that chunk, trying to figure out how to get it down--it was cradled between two branches pretty high up in the tree. Now we don't have to worry about it. Just need to fix the swing.

So today will be clean-up day, if the wind ever lies down. Until it does, I think we'll just stay inside in case any more random chunks of wood go flying by.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. The winds here today (and more forecast) have been very cold and harsh and fast. Coming from inland to the coast.). Another good reason to not be out if possible.

    Good the van was missed!


  2. Wow, you must've really taken a beating with the wind. We had quite a bit of blowing, but no damage.

  3. We had high winds too. They sounded ferocious! Yesterday I had to pull branches out of the driveway before I could get my car out.


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