
Thursday, April 25, 2019

A Day in the Life

We were up early today for Larry's VA appointment in Charleston, which is about an hour and a half away now that they moved to a new location. Today was routine blood work in preparation for his regular checkup next week.
It's always interesting at the VA to see the various vets coming in, and often we get into some good conversations. Today wasn't one of those days, unfortunately--no one was in a talking mood.

Afterwards we stopped at the ReStore where we found all kinds of cool stuff including an oak china cabinet, an oak church pew (and 25% off on furntiure, yay!), hardware, some neat vintage glass & ceramic stuff, plumber's glue, a vintage bathroom light...well, you get the gist. It has been a long tince since we had a chance to stop at ReStore. Perhaps that's just as well for our wallet! But with their prices, it's hard to pass up such bargains.

Then back to Ripley to stop at GW for some more cool finds, followed by a stop at Maka Mia restaurant where I heard some ghost stories that will be good additions to the ghost walk this October--stories about the restaurant itself and the oldtrain depot.

A neighbor happened to be outside as we drove back up our road, so we stopped fora quick visit--and heard more stories.

Once home, I tilled and hoed the garden (snap peas are coming up nicely, potatoes, dill, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage and kale all doing well), then planted some leek plants I found the other day. Larry finished up some mowing and put away the tractor, tiller, and mower as rain is supposed to be coming our way tonight.

When I finished in the garden, I came inside and got to work on ebay. Sales continue to be pretty good, especially on the weekends, and I have been trying to get listings up every day--at least 3-5 a day. I think I got a half-dozen done this evening, so that was good.

Larry came in to work on that old wood washing machine. He's almost done making one good one out of two partial ones, and it looks pretty good. I'll post photos as soon as he's finished.

And when it was almost dark, we sat outside on the porch with some wine, bread, cheese and grapes and listened to the night fall. One by one the birds went quiet, and soon the lighning bugs were flashing here and there. The tree frogs let out an occasional croak, but the whippoorwills were silent, and there was no breeze stirring. It was as if all of nature knew weather was on the way, and was hunkering down.

Now it's time to wrap up the day. I kind of hate for it to end. Do you have days like that, where you really don't want to go to bed, even when you're tired and you know you should? But sleep is a healer they say and Lord knows I can use some of that for this old aching body! Tomorrow I will be working on the poetry workshop for kids I'll be conducting on Saturday, so I know I need the rest to be ready for that.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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