
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Another Story, and Home News

This conversation excerpt from two years ago showed up on my Facebook timeline. I don't remember who she was, and I had forgotten this story, so I was glad when it popped up this morning:

The lady behind us in line at the store said, "I went to Sissonville High School. When I was 15 I had a boy friend. I wanted to get him a gift but didn't have any money. School lunch was 25 cents back then, but if I cleared tables after lunch I ate for free. I saved my quarters until I had enough money to buy him a $25.00 sweater at the Diamond Department store. It was my only experience with the Diamond, but I married my boyfriend that year. That was 56 years ago and we're still married."

What a happy start to my day this story was! 

Image may contain: fruit and food

We were up early (for us) today. A friend of one of my sons had tomatoes to give away--right when I was surprised to find there was not one jar of tomatoes left in the cellar. That's the first time that's happened in years! So we went to pick tomatoes this morning and came home with four bushels. We put up 54 quarts and still have a bushel or maybe a little less than that. Those will go into pasta sauce. We hope to get more and put up some tomato juice too, but we will have to buy jars. I couldn't believe it but we're out of quart jars! We have given away a lot of things in the past year--pickles, apple butter, cider, etc--and often the jars can't be brought back. So we're going to have to bite the bullet and buy more. Since we still have cider and applesauce and pickles to make, I think we're going to need a LOT more jars. 

The corn is beginning to ripen. We had the first picking for dinner Sunday and it was delicious. So along with tomatoes, looks like we'll be putting up corn. I freeze corn as we like it better than canned corn, but I might just can some this year--in pints, since we're out of quarts. You never know when the freezer might go down, or the power be off for long stretches.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Favorite part of the Diamond-shoes!!!

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  3. I never went to the Diamond, Brenda--by the time I was brave enough to consider it, it was closed. I was a shy country bumpkin for sure.

  4. Oh I love the story. I wonder how many people would do that today?

    When our son was a baby in the early 90's, we lived on one income & our budget was tight. So we budgeted a small allowance for each other that we could spend without having to account for it in our budget. We recorded where every single penny went (still do). So I saved my $2 a week for a whole year, added some birthday money I was given & bought my husband a Swiss Army watch for Christmas. We could pass a Swiss Army display without him drooling over them & I was so excited to give it to him.

    He was so surprised. It's one of my favorite memories....watching him open the little box thinking it wasn't any big deal because we just didn't spend much money on each other back then.

  5. Wish we lived closer - I've got some jars I'd be pleased to give you!
    All those days of clearing tables - such a sweet story :)

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