
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cornwall: Rambling Around Boscastle

Boscastle is a beautiful village on the west coast of Cornwall, about halfway down the Cornish peninsula. I had been here before, and I was thrilled to have a chance to come back. My visit in 2016 was only for a few hours, but this time I was staying there with my sisters for five days. We would use our b&b as a base for exploring other parts of Cornwall so in a sense this house would be our home sweet home.

But a person could easily find enough to fill their days right there in Boscastle. The coast trail passes right through the village, offering walks with stunning vistas both north and south of the town. There are shops galore, quaint buidings, and of course, the British Museum of Witchcraft and Magic.

I stayed in the village one morning to explore the museum and to just enjoy the village and peoplewatch, while my sisters, who were not interested in the museum, hiked the coast trail. I hated to miss that, but this was to be my one window of opportunity to visit the museum and explore the village.

First, coming into Boscastle: here the road is actually two lanes but for several miles it was a narrow one-lane road. That gray area beyond the green is the sea.

This next photo was taken on the other road into town, a road that ran through what we called "the enchanted forest," a long green tunnel of overhanging tree branches that was truly, well, enchanting.
Then there was this row of cottages, right on the road, which as you can see is one lane, and yes, that's a blind curve ahead with very little wiggle room. We could never stop to take photos on this road, sadly, it was just too dangerous.

The entrance to our b&b driveway was distinctive: two witches' cauldrons!

This is, I believe, the River Valency, that runs between stone walls on either side. There are two rivers that run through the village, the River Jordan being the other.

A charming little shop that I didn't have a chance to visit, as it was closed.

The sway-back old building looks like it might have been a church at one time; today it is a restaurant.

We followed the river to the harbor, and so to the sea.

Theresa found a nice seat, while Judy clambered around on the rocks. This rock is actually black slate, and is used for roofs, siding and other building purposes. At one time it looks like this stone right at the harbor was even quarried.

Walking back towaard the village. The path is steeper than it appears in the photo. The long white building is the youth hostel where one can stay very reasonably if shared rooms and bathrooms are not an issue.

Boscastle has always been a fishing village and while fishing is still an occupation here, tourism has probably replaced it as the main source of the town's income.

The George Hotel. I kinda wish we'd stayed here! I mean, a turret, an old mill wheel, and you know there has to be a ghost or two.

Another interesting place to stay.

Tomorrow, the British Museum of Witchcraft and Magic.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Absolutely beautiful! You can only imagine what life was like there, a few hundred years ago. -Jenn

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I love reliving our trip through your posts! We had such a great time.


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