
Friday, November 1, 2019

Windy Old Weather, Stormy Old Weather

A chilly start today! 38 degrees, brrrr.

Yesterday started out at about 65 degrees, just lovely. It had rained during the night, but by morning was just foggy and misting.

We took the opportunity to sit outside on the porch for our morning coffee, but the day soon turned wild. High winds, heavy rain, leaves swirling like mad and falling like a snowstorm. The pretty scenes in yesterday's photos are dramatically different today! I had a storytelling performance in the evening, so we dressed in layers, not sure of what to expect at the venue, which was to be outside, with a Plan B inside area that could be used if needed. Boy was it needed.

It was 50 degrees when we left home but the temperature steadily dropped. The winds continued, with tornado alerts and thunderstorm warnings coming regularly as we drove the 70+ miles to the park which was sponsoring the haunted trail and storytelling. Rain fell in sheets, and fog was thick in places.

The storytelling went well considering the weather, as about 80 people braved the elements to get their scare on. It was fun, actually, and the weather sort of fit the evening's activities. The drive home was interesting with the wind pushing the van all over the place. And then, snow flurries!

So it was a typical West-Virginia-weather kind of day, with the only missing element being any sunshine at all. It was good to get home and settle in by the fire with a glass of brandy and the dogs at our feet.

This was the last of the ghost stories for this year, and I am sad to see them go. They are among my favorite stories to tell. And I just came across some new ones that I an anxious to start telling. I also heard a good story from one of the event organizers last night that I am writing up today so that I don't forget it.

Tomorrow I start with an interview in the bell tower of our local county courthouse, about a stonemason who fell to his death while building the courthouse in 1919. Then it's off to Morgantown and WVU Mountaineer Week for more storytelling.

Today is unpacking programs and putting things away, bringing in plants and tomatoes in anticipation of frost tonight, studying my notes about the stonemason, and getting ready for storytelling tomorrow. I do believe that there will be time to make soup (tomato-leek is what I'm thinking), and for a good fire again tonight.

Here's one of my favorite songs by Pete Seeger; seems fitting for these days.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Oh mercy! That fireplace! It is so, so, so wonderful...! Oh how I would love to settle down, by it. You are soooo lucky. -happy sigh-

    We have a fireplace, but it's no longer "real." And I'm too 'chicken' to have all those candles. Do have Faerie Lights though.... On the mantle, and here and there. All year long! Simply adore Faerie Lights.

    So happy I popped over here,from another blog. How very interesting a blog, you have!

    Happy November!
    From a 'Nana' in the upper NE
    🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

  2. It was a dark and stormy night.....sometimes you can have too much "atmosphere" in a story! That song is well-known around the coast here where it's sometimes called Haisboro' Light.

  3. A very ghostly evening and lovely to return home.


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