
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Little Things

30 degrees at 7:30am. Damp and overcast. A good day for inside things.

Today I saw our first snowbirds(juncos). Usually we have flocks of them, this winter none at all until today when a few showed up at the feeders.

Today is a slow sort of day for us. Lots of little catch-up jobs to do. I soaked the fruitcakes with brandy again, wrapped them and stored them away. We will eat them eventually; the brandy keeps them fresh and moist. Cooking, cleaning, little things--the day passes so quickly!

Larry has been repairing an old high-wheel cultivator, and has it just about ready to sell. We bought the metal parts at an auction some time ago, and recently I found the handles on ebay, so Larry has been figuring out how to put it together. He has one more to assemble after this one. We used to use these cultivators all the time, and I imagine some of you probably remember them too. Nowadays most people just use them for yard and garden decor.

I am still working on the dressing table I started painting two weeks ago. Or was it further back than that? Seems like so many things get in the way sometimes when I get started on a project. Today I've been working on the mirror, getting the frame sanded, and stained and painted. Maybe I will be able to get it finished soon.
I am not sure I like how I'm doing this mirror. Might start all over again!

These mirrors are patiently waiting their turn. I am not sure what to do with the large round one. Can you see the crack on one side of it? I didn't, when I bought it in a lot with other things. So, should I even bother with it? Would anyone (besides the unnoticing, like me!) buy it?

My son just messaged me about the death of Kobe Bryant, one of his heroes. How very sad. Kobe was an inspiration and a good man who did much for others. So many famous people seem to die in private aircraft, or does it just seem that way?

Time to get back to those little tasks that are still waiting for me. And think about the uncertainties of this life. Even little things take on a certain clarity and importance after shocking news like this.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I would use one of those cultivators for it's real job if I had one - I've got a partial one that I brought home ages ago, all rusted and broken, one tooth missing at least, to try to fix "someday" but I've never found the parts so it's just gotten more rusted. Probably ought to prop it up somewhere and plant something vine-y next to it, but then I'll probably find the missing parts ;) At a tag sale last year I saw a new version - made in Sweden, I think, with interchangeable tool heads, nvery facy and probably an excellent tool - but the fellow wanted $150 for it 2nd-hand, and that was just way too rich for my blood.

  2. Quinn, when you get a chance, send me a photo of the parts you need. We might have them, or will come upon them somewhere :)

  3. Pretty lamp....

    I am getting daily mails, from "Creative Countryside." Today's topic is "Stories, Place and Belonging". Of course, I thought of you! -smile-

    So I am sending a link, to this page. Hope you enjoy it.

    Folk and Field

  4. Oh poooooh!

    I meant to click on Preview and missed. Hope my click-able links came through.

    "Creative Countryside" is part of "Folk + Field"... Both are lovely. If you want to, you can google both those names. Will be much easier, than me, trying to do too many click-able links. -smile-

    💖 💖 💖


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