
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Pruning Time, Inside and Out

It's a foggy morning out there today, almost a misty rain but not quite. 41 degrees, expected to reach 60 and be sunny later on.

Larry has gotten a tiny start on pruning. We aren't religious about it, as the condition of our trees testifies. We tend to trim suckers and clean out deadwood but he may do a little deeper cutting this year. There was a fair apple crop last year; wonder what this year will bring? We didn't wassail our tress--did you? So the trees are on his list for today. And continuing to try to find that pesky leak in the roof, which continues to elude him.

Yesterday we had town errands, and a cabinet and a tote of things to take to our booth in Ravenswood. We also had yet another load of things for the thrift store. I have been doing some serious clearing out of things that have been in our booths too long and weren't worth keeping, as well as the annual after-holidays clean-out in my house.

Funny story from yesterday: on our last trip to the thrift I told Larry that I wanted the empty totes back, which he did, with help from the thrift store workers. So yesterday we loaded up some lamps, a magazine rack and some framed art to take to the thrift. There was one tote of things for our booth, which had some nice Pyrex (very hot seller these days), some vintage toy trucks, and some other things. I told Larry that this tote was NOT for the thrift but for the booth.

So he dropped me off out front of the store, because you know, take stuff in, and then buy other stuff!

When we pulled up to the antique mall an hour or so later, I said, "Bring in the tote and I'll get started while you unload the cabinet."

He looked at me funny and walked around to the back of the van.

"Uh-oh," he said. "I kept the tote like you said, but I left the other stuff at the thrift!"

Whoa--you can imagine my reaction. I was on the phone in seconds, and the lady at the thrift store said no worries, just come back and get it. Larry was off like a shot. Now if this had been the Goodwill or probably any other thrift store, we'd never have seen that stuff again, but fortunately this place is a bit different, and he was soon back with pretty much everything that had been in the tote.

By then, I was able to see the funny side of it, and so was he. Poor man, he didn't understand that the instructions had changed since the last trip! So we've agreed, from now on I will stay with him when we unload at thrift stores. And that store has earned all my future donations. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. -smile- Communication can be difficult, even after many years of marriage. So true... -smile-


  2. Over the last two years it's slowly beginning to dawn on me that some of the things I wanted to keep when we cleared Mum's house are not here. I think the charity shop may have benefitted from a similar mix-up. As the shop supports the Children's Hospice I really don't mind.

  3. Proof that there are still good people out in the world.

  4. I am sure it's happened many a time, John. I did something similar about 10 years ago--sent a bag of good linens to the thrift and kept the ones I intended to send. It took a few weeks before I realized the mistake. But I honestly can't say I really missed those things, save one or two perhaps.

  5. My husband has a very old book which is full of old money in notes. We were looking for it one day and couldn't seem to lay our hands on it, I had recently had a bit of a cull on our books and started to worry that I had sent it to the charity shop by mistake, we eventually found it. I don't send any of his books to charity shops now just in case......such an easy mistake to make though, getting bags of stuff mixed up.

    I haven't wassailed my apple trees yet you have reminded me that I was going to do that this week. Thank you!

  6. Oh and I love pictures of fog.... Dragon's Breath!



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