
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Winter at Last

22 and clear at 7:30am. Yesterday was a pretty, sunny day after a few morning snow showers, although it barely got above freezing. The ground is frozen hard, for the first time this winter, I believe.

Snowbird, or Slate-colored Junco, from

Still no snowbirds at our feeders this year, which seems so strange. But here's a small poem about the little junco

The Snow-Bird

by Frank Dempster Sherman (1860-1916)

When all the ground with snow is white,

The merry snow-bird comes,

And hops about with great delight

To find the scattered crumbs.

How glad he seems to get to eat

A piece of cake or bread!

He wears no shoes upon his feet,

Nor hat upon his head.

But happiest is he, I know,

Because no cage with bars

Keeps him from walking on the snow

And printing it with stars.

Today we have a big, heavy cabinet to move from our Marietta booth to home. We've given up one booth at Marietta and are emptying it out. This is the last big thing to move, and we've enlisted one of our sons to help. Wish us luck!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for winter!!! -smile-

    A worry, about the lack of birds, though...



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