
Thursday, February 27, 2020

26 and snowy blowing this morning. So pretty. And another good day for Larry to lay low and recover from his cold.

It is nice to see snow. And even to hear the wind howling, because this is still winter and this is how it should be, to me. I am afraid the plants may not agree with me as so many things are springing up and even budding because of this mild winter.

It's a good morning for reading, too. Here's one website I follow. Icy Sedgwick posts some of the most interesting folklore, like today's post on sin-eaters. Have you ever heard of this practice? I have read about its occurrence here in Appalachia, but I wonder if it was a common practice in other places.

Another interesting person to follow is Old Weird Britain. She posts on Twitter, some fascinating folklore. Then there's Folklore Thursday that shares a wealth of folklore through Twitter every week. I sometimes join in the fun there with a post. You can find it on Twitter here.

Back to enjoying the snow I go. I should call these two photos Man, Interrupted. You can see the ladder to the left of the first photo--he was planning to clean windows there,

And here he has the grain cradle down while he was working on the porch, and hasn't put it back yet. The scaffolding is still up from when he was working on the roof. Eventually all these tasks will be completed, but not until he feels better.

Have a lovely day, my friends!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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