
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Pretty Dishes and Procrastination

32 this morning, light frost. Yesterday was 42 at morning, and rained or drizzled/misted all day. A good day for inside work, so I got down to something I've been putting off.

In the past couple of years, I've bought sets of china that have been sitting in boxes, waiting to be listed on ebay. I can be a world-class procrastinator, believe me. And I know why I'm doing it now: it's better than working on taxes!

So two sets are now listed, and I am working on the third. None of these are complete sets, so I have them listed by shape (platter, dinner plates, etc).

The first is this pretty blue and white set by Myott-Meakin of England, called Tonquin Blue.



Next, this gorgeous set of triangular art deco china by Salem China Company of the US. This shape was called Tricorne, but I don't know the patter name. I did not find any with this pattern online. I listed the platter, but might have to keep that one piece because I really like it.

Then there are these strawberry plates by Mount Clemens Pottery. These were hard to find online, none on ebay or Worthpoint, and the only place I found them was by looking at Google images. So not too commonplace.

Another mid-century lot, these green Anchor Hocking Sereno pattern bowls and teacups.

And now I am working on this lovely lot of Royal Doulton's White Nile china. This set is still in original packing for the most part, and appears to have never been used.

I should add that most of these are un-edited photos! I clean them up better when I list them on ebay.

There are still two other sets waiting to be done. Maybe I'll get them all finished this week? It's a goal, anyway, and a deadline--I do better with deadlines. So I'll set this one for myself.

Okay, back to work I go.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Beautiful dishes. The pattern on the blue ones remind me of my Granny, she had a set of them, only in green.
    For years I had the usual white/off white dishes. Now I have bits and pieces of primary colored Fiesta dishes. Love them cause they remind me of the dishes at great grandmother's Tahoe cabin when I was little.

    I have to say I do better with a deadline as I'm easily sidetracked.

  2. You have made progress today! I love dishes and china. The White Nile is lovely!

  3. Aren't those White Nile flowers lovely! And the triangular pieces are so unusual! You are making me think about re-collecting pieces of china!!


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