
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Snowy Saturday

23 and clear at dawn, but a little snowfall overnight turned everything white again. A beautiful morning! The woodpeckers must be courting as there is much noise from them in the mornings--or maybe they're just establishing territory? Here's one of our loud visitors.

Elinor Wylie's wintry poem speaks well of how we humans also line our nests in winter:

Winter Sleep  by Elinor Wylie

Just as the spiniest chestnut-burr
Is lined within with the finest fur,
So the stoney-walled, snow-roofed house
Of every squirrel and mole and mouse
Is lined with thistledown, sea-gull’s feather,
Velvet mullein-leaf, heaped together
With balsam and juniper, dry and curled,
Sweeter than anything else in the world.

This morning, a slight tinge of pink in the east...

And sun creeping across the hills in the west.

In the house, the view from the bedroom window is comfy--nice and warm inside, whiteness outside.

I found this little oil painting a few months ago. It's perfect for this time of year. It's signed J. Heuk or Helk, but I cannot find anything about this artist online. Maybe one of you knows who he/she is?

Today is more tax work--I cannot make myself stick with it more than an hour at a time--then pricing things for our booths, and maybe I will finally finish the little table I started the other week. I thought I would finish it yesterday but found some loose veneer that needed to be glued back in place. So now I think it's ready.

I am looking for a good biography/autobiography to read, preferably a diary. Any suggestions?I find that I really enjoy reading the real-life stories in journals and diaries. Maybe it's the storyteller in me, or is it a fairly common interest?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Catching up on blog reading today, and sorry to hear Larry has had a bad cold - I hope he is feeling much better now. I had a cold in October that lasted for 3 weeks, the worst I'd had in many years, and I swear it took me til January to feel like I was getting caught up on things. But then, I generally move a lot slower than you and Larry do!

  2. I hope you got your tax work done, a dull but necessary job. I haven't read a biography/autobiography for years so I can't give you any suggestions nor do I know anything about the painter or your lovely winter picture, sorry!


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