
Monday, March 9, 2020

An Outside Day

44 this morning at 8, with a little pink in the sky and highway noises. When we can hear the trucks on the interstate (16 miles away) we know rain is on the way, and the pink confirms it.

Yesterday was such a pleasant day, we got outside as soon as it was warm enough. There is so much to do when the weather permits. Yesterday I raked out most of the flowerbeds--we pile leaves on them in winter--and did some general picking up and straightening up. Garden fences, bits of random trash, twigs and branches kept us bending and busy. Larry hauled the leaves off to the veggie garden and made some "beds" under the pines for the dogs. He also cleaned some windows and continued his newest project, replacing the stone steps to the patio. He has hauled off the stone and plans to replace them with brick. The stones had broken loose and were uneven and not safe; the brick steps will be pretty and we won't have to worry about someone getting hurt on them.

I was happy to see my crocus is finally in bloom. Mine are far later than most, but pretty as can be.

The little mini-daffodils are happily adding their sunshine yellow too. We have some scattered in the woods behind the house, and a patch that came up apparently on its own at the top of the driveway. Those are spreading fast, tumbling down the hill and surprising the eye.

The only daffodils coming into bloom as their stems got frozen last week so they were laying on the ground. There were only three of them so I picked them and brought them inside.

I think there will not be the big bloom of daffodils like last year as I don't see that many flowerheads. They really outdid themselves last year.

I picked our first salad yesterday, some dandelion greens that were under the leaves when we raked, so they were quite tender; also some daylily sprouts and some shepherd's purse, along with some garlic tops from the garden. I dressed it with an Italian herb vinegar my son gave me and olive oil, and this first bit of green was so tasty.

The lettuce in the cold frame has come up! I held out little hope as it seemed to me the ground was still too cold, but there it is. Radishes in the frame are also up, and yesterday Larry put some onion sets in the frame for green onions.

It was so nice out that we had dinner on the deck. Pork chops in mushroom sauce, baked potatoes, the green salad and some Chardonnay made for a simple but quick meal.

It was good to be out in the sun. I almost didn't want to take a shower (though Lord knows I needed it!) because I didn't want to wash the sunshine off. We considered lighting the firepit but both of us were tired and came inside to watch a movie instead. But first I stepped out to greet the moon as she rose, a perfect end to a perfect day.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. That does sound like a perfect day. Finally getting warmer here in Kentucky.

    1. I imagine you are a week or two ahead of us, Michelle. But isn't it nice to see green again!

  2. Such a beautiful day.

    I admit that I was disappointed earlier this week to realize that I'm not going to get snowed in again this year. I love being snowed in & we haven't had enough snow here to close things down for at least 5 or 6 years.

    I like the changes to your blog as well. It looks so pretty.

    1. Well, Larry says we always have an Easter squall! So maybe? I'm glad you like the change to my blog. It was time for a facelift.

    2. My husband loves to be snowed in. Where are you, Jenny, that you haven't been snowed in for so long?


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