
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 10 : Spring Outside and In, and Poetry Break

43 at 8am, and the promise of a rain-free day. Larry is thrilled as he can get back to his beloved brick-work. This evening we will spread the remaining seven bags of mulch, and try to figure out how to safely get more.

I promised some book reviews today but just not feeling it, so maybe tomorrow. Today my poetry group had an online meeting to workshop our poems, so I was be busy with that most of the afternoon. It was an interesting way to work, not much different from face-to-face meetings, so we may have a few more such meetings in the next month.

Meantime, Spring continues its slow advance. I'm happy with slow as it will protect the fruit trees' bloom.

The pear tree is coming into bloom, and so is the elderly peach tree behind it. I really thought we lost the peach last summer, but it is still hanging on.

These daffodils planted themselves in a rough hollow area. I like that about daffodils. Long after we're gone and our house has been swallowed by vines, the daffodils will tell that we were once here.

The grass is greening up. I love this time of year, when the trees are still bare but the grass is a rich green.

Aloe plants in the window would prefer to be outside I'm sure, but it's still too early. Soon, I hope.

The sun is peeking into the kitchen window now as its arc increases.

I got out my daffodils towel to hang by the sink, and my white bunny to add a little Easter to the kitchen.

The cake stand was a two-part purchase. I found the base on ebay for a reasonable price last summer.I intended to re-sell it, but liked it too much so I kept it. This winter I found the dome at a thrift shop. It fit perfectly.

I spent yesterday packing ebay and generally feeling slow. I have finally figured out this weird fluttery, breathless feeling in my chest and talked to my doctors by phone yesterday. Arrhythmia, apparently. So a new prescription will be called in and hopefully this will settle down. I've dealt with this feeling for years, and different doctors attributed it to caffeine, stress, and indigestion. The thing is that it never manifested when I was at my appointments, and once I even wore one of those monitor things and it showed nothing. But this episode has been going on for a week, and it's no fun. It's good to know what it is so I can deal with it. I am a 100% fan of tele-medicine too--how nice it was to just be able to talk to them over the phone, instead of trekking in to their offices, especially as things are now.

So now, off to read for a while, then maybe we will find a movie to watch. Or maybe it will just be a good evening for reading.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Your cupboards are so beautiful bursting with spring.

    I'm hoping my dr will do some things over the phone in the next few weeks too. I have a lab app. soon but I do not want to go anywhere near sick people to have it drawn.

    1. Thank you, Jenny. I love color--although when I am in homes with more muted colors, I like that too. You may have to cancel that appointment. I'm with you--a long distance from medical facilities right now is fine with me.

  2. Like all your bright colors in your kitchen. Mine is fairly minimal monochromatic, til I open the cabinets with my multi colored fiesta ware.

  3. Your touch of West Virginia out there in the wild West! My sister has a kitchen that is mostly white, with pale blues and yellows, and I like that too. Minimalist is appealing to me in many ways. But I do like color.

  4. A lovely post, like sitting with you over a cup of tea. I am so glad to hear that you are still able to have your poetry meetings, it is amazing what you can do with technology isn't it! My mother has arrhthymia it was diagnosed when she was pregnant with me, she has a permanent irregular rhythm it only becomes a problem when she is stressed. I do hope your medication helps to mitigate the effects for you.

  5. Your kitchen pictures brought a smile - I think I might pull out the Easter stuff early. I, myself, am desperately trying not to start counting the days of quarantine, it just makes it worse for me. Stay well.


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