
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 17: Social Distancing Country Style

46 and cloudy this morning, looking like rain, which is predicted. Maybe we'll get some seeds in the ground before it starts. I'm feeling worn out after a hard day's work yesterday, as we continued to clean out the workroom. More coffee might be what's needed.

Our neighbor from a few miles away came over yesterday evening to till our garden with his tractor. This was after he'd been to work all day and planted potatoes when he got home. What a good friend.

We sent him home with eggs and a graniteware bucket for his wife to use for planting flowers.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I remember our neighbor when I was a little girl....Opie McGhee...would come plow our garden then come back & disc it. It would be so soft & deep I would sink past my knees in the warm soil. I loved it!

    I also remember my dad very sternly telling me to stay out of the garden ....until it was time to pull weeds & he sent me back in.

  2. Your neighbour sounds like some of the people who lived around Caldecote in the 1950's and 60's; they never seemed to stop working. I don't recall Dad sitting down very much till we moved from there and he had less garden to tend. Take care.

  3. Country folks are used to helping out. It's in the genes.

    With a whole lot of luck, this lovely old fashioned trait, will get embedded in a lot of not country folk.


    We can dream, can't we??????????

    Stay safe.


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