
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 8: Aunt Grace, An inspiration

39 this morning, but the sun heated things up a bit. A pretty day.

I asked my cousin Julie in England if I could share her news about her mother, my Aunt Grace (who was my mother's sister).

If you recall, two of my sisters and I went to England this summer to see Aunt Grace and celebrate her 98th birthday. This is what Julie had to say about how Aunt Grace is coping with the coronavirus threat:

Aunt Grace, being her usual feisty self!
At 98 plus years, she still lives alone and manages quite well.

"Happy Mother’s Mum!
What a very different one it is too! No taking gifts and cards; no stopping by for tea and cake!
I have had a cold this last week (no cough!). Pretty sure it’s not the virus, but to be on the safe side I’m keeping out of everyone’s way as much as possible, and that includes Mum of course. We delivered essential shopping to her door earlier this week, and I am exchanging many phone calls each day, but it’s not the same. She decided to go into ‘self isolation’ about 2 weeks ago, stopping all visitors except me, typical that I should then get a cold, but I don’t remember the last time I gave her a hug, let alone a kiss...or even sat near her, so I’m hopeful I haven’t passed this on! She is of course of the WW2 generation that learnt how to deal with a crisis, and her 6 months of ‘social distancing’ when she had TB in the 1940’s and her 5 weeks of isolation in the fever hospital when she contracted scarlet fever in the early 1930’s, means this is not a totally new experience. She is bearing up very well.
When I told her I was going to post this she said to give you all her love and hopes you stay safe and well."

What an inspiration Aunt Grace is. She has seen many things in her life, from the death of her father when she was just a girl, to scarlet fever and TB, World War II...she is a walking history book. Now here she is, facing this newest threat with a smile on her face.

I think this might be a good time to sit down and write an old-fashioned letter to her. And I will hope that I will be able to return to England for her 100th birthday.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Love Aunt Grace's spirit and smile!

  2. She's quite something, Nance. A real English lady through and through, but tough with it. When we were there, she made tea for us herself, refusing any help!

  3. Replies
    1. Indeed! I was so glad Julie posted the photo, John.

  4. Yes indeed, living that long you're bound to have some experience with hardships and compromises. Writing a letter sounds like a very nice thing to do! -Jenn

    1. Yes, and something I should do more often. Generally it's just a card at Christmas, with a note inside. I have grown lax about writing letters.

  5. She is made of stouter stuff than many much younger than her. My granny was made the same.

  6. Yes, and such a lady with it! The old breed.

  7. That kind of spirit is something to aspire to :)


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