
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Forsythia, Easter and Other Things

46 yesterday morning, rain showers and sun showers all day. This morning it's 40 and a beautiful sunny day. Friends have heard the spring peepers already! I haven't been gone off our place for over a week, so maybe when I'm out and about today I will hear them. Spring peepers take a little longer to arrive here on the ridge, but are probably singing down along Joe's Run. My forsythia, though, is in bloom already, so pretty.

I've been so busy I didn't realize I'd been such a homebody. I didn't need anything so there was no reason to go anywhere--the booths are in good shape, the cupboards, fridge, and freezer are well stocked, I have all the cleaning, painting, and packing supplies I need. It's not that I am worried about the corona virus, although I'm certainly paying attention to its spread and the recommendations for prevention. I am not too concerned about the virus in my area of the country, but plans for a trip overseas this year are on hold as we wait and see how this virus threat goes. Maybe we'll take that long-discussed trip to New England instead.

So I have been continuing with early spring cleaning, while doing some painting (furniture and mirror frames mostly). One of the odder painting projects. This plaster bust started out painted gold, apparently, then was spray-painted shiny black. Now he's antique white. I still have a little work to do on him.

Part of spring cleaning: getting rid of stuff. These totes (there are four of them, total) will go to a reseller who sells things pretty inexpensively online. He takes 50% of what he sells. It's a good way to get rid of things I no longer need, or things that have been in our booths far too long.

And these totes are heading to a booth. We'll take it and the two little tables, along with some old washtubs and a bicycle, to our Ravenswood booth today.

While cleaning, I put out a little Easter decor. I don't do much decorating except for Christmas, but I found these eggs in various thrift stores in the past few years. Some are paper, the two tiny ones are glass, and the Russian egg is wood.

So today will be a town day, with lots to do. See you tomorrow!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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