
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 24: On Joe's Run

50 this morning, cloudy and showering early but cleared up. Humid, an odd feeling.

We took a walk on Joe's Run over the weekend. I was looking for raspberry and blackberry leaves to dry for tea, but they are still quite tiny. But I was happy to see the bloodroot in bloom.

Several years ago, a large patch suddenly appeared along the road, and it's been there ever since. I always through bloodroot preferred shady woods, but this patch is in full sun.

I picked one blossom to get a close-up photo. I don't think the "blood" seeping out of the end of the stem is visible in this photo though.

A small patch of coltsfoor was also in bloom. Used to be there was a lot of it along the road, but there seems to be less every year.

I wasn't the only one to walk this stretch of road.

I wasn't alone this day either. The lake looked quite empty,

but there was a lone fisherman trying his luck on a chilly morning.

The creasy greens have bolted and will soon be blooming bright yellow.

Here you can see the raspberry canes, nowhere near leafed out yet. I'll check again later this week.

On the way home we passed a cabin I have photographed in every season, but I never tire of trying to get a different angle. There used to be an old well with a pulley in the front yard, but it collapsed several years ago and the owner hasn't rebuilt it. The place is slowly falling apart, I'm afraid so I take as many photos as I can to remember it by.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. There seems to be no logic to where plants flourish. I remember buying some foxglove seeds which I intended to grow close to the front-room window where Mum could see one of her favourite flowers. They are said to like shady conditions so it should have worked. However year after year they seeded themselves down near the greenhouse in full sun. No idea how the seeds always found their way there but in the end I decided to go along with their wishes. Coltsfoot usually occurs most prolifically on recently disturbed soils. Take care, cousin.

  2. I like that you are numbering the days. I wish I had done that but I have no idea how long I've been at home. Weird but I stay home so much. Plus I missed three Sundays in a row from church (first I was sick then I had to watch a sick grandbaby) then church closed. So it feels like such a very long time since church is the main reason I get out.

    It looks like we are going to have a huge batch of raspberries this year....I'm trying not to get my hopes up. There are so many more canes than ever before & all growing along the top of a ravine by my driveway. I've always picked what I could reach but usually most of them were down in the steep ravine in thickets of poison ivy. This year they're coming up right up to where we mow. They haven't bloomed yet but I do so hope for lots of berries.

  3. I thought for a split second that there was a bloodroot flower near my gate yesterday, but when I hastened over to take a look, it was a lone crocus! What a lovely surprise!


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