
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 28: Spring Beauty

41 this morning, no frost thank goodness, although we're not out of the woods yet.

I picked some bouquets yesterday because I was afraid I'd lose the tulips to the frost.

No frost, but now I have little bouquets all over the house, which makes me happy.

I changed my teacup for this month, trying to keep up with my idea of a different cup each month. It's kind of nice to get them out of the cupboard and into the light.

This isn't actually a set, but the cup matches the saucer so well it looks like a set. I just like the soft mint-green color.

I also changed the glass on this shelf from reds and ambers to Spring colors.

This is a mix of antique and midcentury glass. In the photo below, a small Blenko blown glass vase is matched up with an Early American Pattern Glass plate in the pattern called Thousand Eye. Behind the vase is another EAPG piece, a jam stand as these tall compotes are known. I haven't tried to identify its pattern yet.

The candleholders are also EAPG, and I've identified them but can't recall the pattern name right off. The pink salt and pepper are by Fenton Glass. And there's another Blenko vase.

The large pitcher is also Blenko. I found it on ebay for a surprisingly good price. It arrived in a box with a few air cushions and no other wrap at all, a miracle that it didn't break.

A small change but it lifts my spirits. Sometimes I just feel overwhelmed with sadness for the world, and tears are always just under the surface. Being a happy-natured person, this grief is not going to drag me into depression but I can understand and empathize with those who are fighting the depression demon these days.

But flowers, a pretty teacup, and sparkling glass, along with all the beauty outside, and a wonderful zoom visit with 10 siblings the other evening, all of these help me keep smiling. I don't mind the quarantine, but knowing so many are suffering, that's hard. So I do what I can to lighten each day. As one blog friend said, we need to be kind not only to others but also to ourselves right now.

So often we are on the bottom of our to-do list, aren't we. So be nice to you today, do something just for yourself--and don't feel selfish about it. We all need some extra self-care.

Have a good weekend (yes, it really IS the weekend!) and have a blessed Easter, even if it might be a bit different from your usual celebrations. No matter where or how we celebrate, we can all rejoice when He is risen once again. (And if Easter isn't your religious tradition, then joy to you as you celebrate in your own special way).

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. My Mama always had bouquets of flowers in the house. Your's reminds me of her. Sue, does a jam stand usually have a lid? And how are they different from the celery keeper (bowl?). I do not know these two except thru you.

    1. Jam stands do not have lids, Nance. They are like small compotes, but no lids usually. Celery vases look like vases, actually! They will be 6" tall and vase-shaped, although some have pedestals and some are footed. But the actual "vase" part will be about 6". There are also celery dishes--these are like relish dishes and are an oblong-shaped shallow bowl is the best way I can describe them. So many different dishes made back then!

  2. Oh my gosh, no lilacs or tulips here yet, so it's nice to see yours! -Jenn

    1. The forecast for next week is cold and more cold, Jenn, so who knows how long mine will last!

    2. We had a freeze 2 nights ago and another predicted for tomorrow night. I have tulops blooming and a bleeding heart nearly. I will try to cover some.

  3. I follow the Art of Manliness blog (one of my favorites) & they had a podcast a few days ago on we are all grieving for the life we had & that we don't know what the new life will be. It was a short podcast & very helpful to me.

    I am trying to do some daily things to comfort myself as well. I think we have to do that sometimes, to live in each moment with no thought of the one before or the one to come.

    I'm really enjoying your posts. And I love your glass collections.

    1. Yes, we are all grieving now, that's true--whether we know it or not. You are wise, Jenny, to realize and take care of yourself.

  4. Happy, Happy, Happy...💛💚💜

    & Please keep blogging...!!!! 💛💚💜

  5. Ohhh, but I should not say "Keep Blogging" to you. YOu are a SUPER blogger, at this time!!!!!

    Thank you!

    Happy, Happy, Happy...💛💚💜

  6. Oh but I should not say Keep Blogging to you!

    You are being a Super Blogger at this time!

    thank you!!

  7. Your little bouquets are lovely. It is as if you are having your own mini harvest festival. 10 siblings!


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