
Friday, April 24, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 41: Three New Things

51 and pouring rain this morning. It did let up later so that now Larry is out there moving blackberry plants. This is our third year to try to establish a new blackberry patch. The first one was behind the garage and the canes got so big they literally grew over the garage roof. So we've been trying to get rid of that patch and start a new one. I think the ones we've moved the past two years succumbed to his weedeater, actually. He is contrite, and this time putting hard plastic collars around the new plants so perhaps they'll survive. Cross your fingers! He is deadly with that weedeater, apparently managed to also kill off the two new plum trees planted last year. Lesson learned--no more orchard plants will go in the ground unless they have a protective collar.

Even with the rain, it is still beautiful outside. The green is the kind that almost leaves me breathless, and I never want to stop looking about me at the wonder of it.

A friend got me to thinking about what new things we are doing since this pandemic. What have we changed about our lifestyle, or doing that we didn't do before?

It was surprisingly difficult to come up with answers because our way of life typically does not involve much visiting, going to concerts, or shopping. But I did think of a few things.
1) I have begun washing the ziplock freezer and storage bags for re-use. I never did it before, and felt a little guilty about it. But I reasoned that we conserve on so many levels that this was one thing I could just not do. Now, here I am washing and drying the bags to use again. It seemed like a waste of time before, but we have more time now.

2) I have read a novel! I rarely if ever read novels, but I read Olive Kitteredge and surprised myself by enjoying it. I have started a new one called There, There, but I am not sure I like it or the style of writing. I'm only two chapters in so it's too soon to judge. Violence and cities are not topics that interest me, I have to say. But this one, a story about Native Americans living in Oakland, California is certainly different. I'll give it that.

3) Having hour-long conversations on the phone. Definitely not something I did before, except occasionally with my youngest son. But lately I've had long, slow conversations with not only my sons, but also with sisters and friends. It really is nice. The Zoom family visits online are good, but it's more like just touching base, since there are so many of us on each call. It is wonderful to see everyone's faces and to laugh together. And that, come to think of it, is another new thing--online video visits and workshops. My poetry group is continuing to meet this way too, and it's very productive.

I think that is all that is really new in my activities. Some things I used to do I have taken up again, like making bread and starting my garden plants. I am glad to get back to these things because I have always enjoyed the sense of peace and plenty they gave me. I stopped doing them when life became too busy to keep up with them but now with less time spent on researching and planning presentations, and almost no travel to stock booths or source new inventory, I have more free time. Which makes me really think about whether I want to get back on the merry-go-round that was my life.

How about you? Have you discovered new activities that you like, or even some that you dislike but find that you must do now? Has this strange time in our lives caused you to re-assess what you were doing previously?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I cam sympathize about the weed eater. That used to make me so mad but then I realized that when my husband trims he only sees green. If it isn't inside some kind of edging he chops it down. And really, how can I complain if I'm not going to go out & do the work myself.

    I'm having a hard time reading. My book club is not meeting of course so there goes my accountability. I've been working on the book Womenfolds' by Shirley Abbott since midFebuary & I'm finally down to the next to the last chapter. The first two or three chapters were so boring then I got into it. But after awhile it started to make me angry...I know I don't agree with much of what she says & I wonder about the accurate she is. I haven't had a book frustrate me so much in a long time. Some of her language I'd rather just not read as well. I think we can say what needs to be said without that. It's a memoir, kind of a biography with a lot of history & alot of personal opinion.

    I just don't want to try Zoom. I have some friends who want me to join some groups but I don't want to think that hard to get it all set up. I have done a couple of face calls (what do you call it?!) through Facebook messenger but I never actually look at the person so I think it's a headache to use.

    I miss my slower, easy going lifestyle. I'm so tired trying to keep up with a 2 yr old then clean up after him when he goes home....then try to get my regular garden/house work done on weekends when he's not here. Then I feel bad for even saying that because so many people can't see their grandchildren at all right now while I have the luxury of so much time with mine's a gift I really do appreciate even though I'm so tired.

  2. I'm really just about as home-bound as before, so my routine hasn't changed much.
    1. We ARE having a young lady who takes my shopping list every 7-10 days, and goes to Meijer's. She leaves the bags on the front porch. Before she leaves the store, she takes a picture of the receipt and texts it to me. I write her a check and add a hefty bonus, and I hand it to her when she arrives. We get to talk a bit while she is unloading her car.
    2. The pharmacy is mailing our meds now rather than having us pick them up at the drive thru.
    3. We are not eating out (carryout) at all, which is so unusual for us. Our last meal out was on March 13.


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