
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 43: Projects

51 and raining, windy. A gray day meant for inside work, so that's what we did.

We have been selling a surprising amount of furniture lately. One stand I never got a photo of--just moved it in the booth at Riverbend and it was gone the next day.

So here is what's in progress or finished now.

I've had this record stand for several years, waiting its turn in the workroom. Then a variety of changes in the living room made me look at it as a possibility for my own use. It was terribly ugly, I have to say--painted a dark shiny brown with many chips, drips, etc, but it was sturdy and basically sound. What a difference a bit of paint makes.

Here is the top, after sanding and in the process of being painted. It's the only before photo I remembered to take.

I almost tossed this little table when we were clearing out the workroom. It was just not attractive--another dark brown piece-- and I thought it was in bad condition. As it turned out it wasn't too bad, just needed a little love. And since I already had the right color paint out...

Larry did this porch swing. It needed some repair and general tightening up, and of course a new coat of paint. It will go to the booth this week.

This was one of my small projects. It was terribly dirty, and it is definitely not in working condition, but someone might want it as a repair project or just for decor. This was made sometime around 1914-1916, as best I can tell by the serial number, RC42974.

My bigger project right now is this desk--which again was a dark colored wood with a scratched-up, shiny finish and ugly wood handles. No before photo (again!) but the back gives an idea of the general look, although the desk was much darker on the other sides. It's almost finished, just the back to do and find a chair to go with it.

These are projects waiting their turn, along with several others I don't have photos of:

Larry has been working on this table, or maybe it's a desk. The veneer on top had come up, and had to be stripped off. Now he's in the process of gluing and tightening up the joints. He also had to repair and re-glue the drawers. Then it will be mine to paint.

I will be working on this corner cabinet next. New paint and new pulls. I think, should give it new life.

Another case of some bad veneer, with a broken drawer front to boot. Fortunately the missing piece of the drawer is inside. Paint and new pulls? I think so. The squash are what's left from last year's garden. The workroom proved to be a good place to store them--cool and dry.

So back to work I go, to finish up the desk and maybe start the corner cabinet today!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Hard-working people!! The pieces of furniture look great when you are finished with them.

    1. Thanks, Judy! It's so good to finally start seeing a dent in the pile in the workroom, LOL

  2. Similar weather here too, but I am not as industrious as you two - that desk is so stylish, now you've given it a magic makeover.

    1. Thank you, Gretel. Apparently the north of England is dry, as a blogger I follow in Yorkshire is wanting rain. Here, a friend to the north of us by a couple hundred miles has been able to plant her garden recently, but ours is still wet.


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