
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 53: Booth Restock

43 this morning, pretty chilly, and looking like rain. We did get a few showers but that was all. I finished my string-trimming this evening and got pretty dirty and covered in grass, but at least it was a little drier than I expected.

We took a load of furniture we'd finished up to our booth in Ravenswood, and a porch swing Larry repaired and painted. While we were there, a man bought the double washtubs we'd brought in a couple months ago, which made it a nice day! Those old laundry tubs sell well these days, and I bet our mothers and grandmothers would be shocked at what they bring.

Here's a quick look at what we've taken to the booth recently. Most of these you've seen before, I think:


I haven't added any more small items, as the booth is overflowing with them already. Hopefully now that things are opening up again there will be more sales of smalls.

I was dismayed, I have to admit, to see that very few people were wearing masks in the places I saw. At the antique mall we didn't need them as only the owner and us were there and we maintained a good separation. But Larry needed some parts for his mower, and the place that had them is part of a local feed store. I watched people go in and out, no one seeming to be concerned about social distancing, and not one wearing a mask--except Larry. I could not wait for him to get out of there. Later he went back to town to get gas for the mower and tractor and reported that almost everyone he saw going into the grocery store or getting gas was wearing a mask, so that was good. I am still not comfortable with going out, and was very glad to get back home.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Would love to browse your booths. That is a sweet little blue table with the splayed feet! Stay well!

    1. That one was fun to do, and I'm only asking $19.99 for it. I try to have a few pieces at a price affordable for young people or people without a lot of free money.


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