
Friday, May 8, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 55: No News But More Rain

52 this morning, rain came by noon. It is getting colder and we expect frost tonight. How sad is that. The poor hummingbirds look miserable. So do all the birds, actually. Just so cold and wet. Snow is expected in the higher elevations of West Virginia tonight.

A female grosbeak on the feeder looks so cold. The males all seem to have left, only two females at the feeders yesterday.

We housecleaned today. Larry put sealer on the tile he re-grouted, and we both been dusted, mopped, and so on. A good day for it, with the rain and the dropping temperatures.

And that's about all for today. A nice fire in the evening, and watching The Impressionists series about the painters of that period. This is the drama, not the documentary, and it's pretty good, although reviewers gave it bad marks for not including any of the women painters of the time. I have to agree--would have been more interesting to have had them as part of the story.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. 9 days later Sue and we are still chilly, dreary and getting some rain which we needed. Hopefully, we had the last frost/freeze last week. It has been a late spring.


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