
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 59: Green Bottom, Part 2

42 this morning, but felt colder. It has been a sunny, brisk day, wit a steady breeze. 

More photos from the wetland today. As Quinn commented on my last post, there seem to be more people getting out and into some of the places that normally see low use. A good thing, I believe. I hope this change in behavior will continue. We saw several families, apparently enjoying a slow stroll through the area on Mother's Day, and it made me smile. Americans need to get out more, and this virus has provided the motivation to do just that.

There were many of these large, ferny plants in the area. I do not know what they are. Can anyone identify?

Below, a brave fleabane blooms in the midst of a patch of cleavers gone to seed.

Green, green, green. In places it was like being in a green sea. Or a jungle.

Larry spotted this weird red fungus growing out from under a rotting log. I touched it and found it unpleasantly spongy. 

A sea of leaves, washed into a muddy shallows by recent high water. I assume the leaves blew down during some of the high winds we've had recently. Or perhaps the area had a frost that took them down.

Any suggestions as to what this plant might be? Perhaps a young tree of some kind? It was new to me.

Inviting paths led off the trail here and there. To be explored another time.

The last time we visited here, we could drive back this rutted road for a ways, but now the road is blocked. My guess is there were probably some who found the remoteness of the area suited to nefarious activities. The upside is that the tadpoles can hatch undisturbed in the big puddles.

An interesting old tree stump yielded a surprise when I looked closer.

Do you see it? The face looks like either a fish or a hog. Larry and I could not agree on that!

Such peace. and so few people. Heaven.

A reminder of last year: one lone lotus pod.

And that's the end of our Sunday walk. I hope you enjoyed it.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Today is the first day in quite awhile I wasn't able to walk in the woods. Everyone needs to at least walk through a green space or dig in the dirt.

    I did wrap up well & splash through some mud puddles in the rain with a two year old today...that was alot of fun even though it was super cold.

    Your fist picture kind of looks like a rattlesnake fern? But I really can't see it clearly enough to be sure.

    And I think the stinky fungus is a stinkhorn. I added mulch to a flower bed a few years ago that had some spores in it...goodness it smells so bad! Now as soon as I see them pop up I smash them before they get big enough to send out more spores.

    I think the face in the stump looks like a fish.


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