
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 67: Rain, Rain, Rain

49 and rain again this morning. It has rained off and on all day and there is a good bit of flooding being reported in our region. More rain is in the forecast, and makes me sad for those dealing with flooded homes.
Inside is a nice place to be today. The white crate was a project last week. Painted and stenciled.

We are on a hill so no flood worries here. Larry did not let the chickens out today. They'd have needed their hipwaders or tall mud boots, their yard is so muddy. Everything is just saturated.

We've been indoors mostly, spending these rainy hours working on furniture projects. I finished a chair to go with the desk I painted last week and started on an interesting armchair. Larry has repaired a chest of drawers and is now waiting for the glue to dry where he had to glue and clamp a couple drawers. More furniture has sold in the booths so it's good we have this time to work on some things.

I had a not so great surprise this morning. The a.c. adapter on my laptop apparently died. I ordered a new one before the battery went dead but I will be computer-less for several days until it arrives. No real problem since I have my phone or Larry's tablet, except for ebay. I need the laptop to print labels. So ebay sales will be on hold until the adapter arrives.

That is about all my news for today. I hope you have avoided the rain and flooding!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. We have finally had some rain here overnight, that is the first we have had for eight weeks here! I live in one of the wettest places in my country so it is a bit strange not to have rain for so long!


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