
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 75: More Gardens, and Visitors

66 this morning! What a nice change. The day is heating up but won't be as hot today as it has been the rest of the week. Still humid, but tolerable, and more rain is expected this evening.

The gardens were grateful for the good rain last night. So were we, as it meant we do not have to haul water to the new plants in the gardens. This morning we slept in, listening to the last of the rain as we drifted back to dreamland. It was a good rest after several long days of hard work. We thought we'd nap in the afternoons but that never happened! Last evening we stopped work about 7:30 and had some firepit time. It was lovely--especially since I'd pressure-washed the patio. I did more pressure-washing yesterday on the walks, which seems to have caused a bad flare-up of muscles and sciatica in my right hip. So resting and a heating pad this morning were both needed and appreciated.

A little garden walk this morning:

I wanted to show you this planter holder. I bought it for $5.00 and added the globe on top and the clay pots. It was supposed to have shelves, but those were missing. It works great for what I had in mind. (Otis is photo-bombing.)

I know that for some people yellow sedum is an invasive plant, and it can be here too, but it is so pretty on this planter where it seeded itself years ago.
Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature

Doesn't show well, but this is thyme and sage in bloom in the planter. I need to get out and do some string-trimming; the other garden work was taking precedence this week.

My planters are all pretty much the same--herbs, petunias and begonias this year since I have not been able to go out and get different plants.

This one is funny. I still need to clean it up, but it's a broken column from a birdbath, turned upside down to hold a flowerpot. Works for me. I just flipped it over yesterday, and will wash it when I get back to the powerwasher.

Here's a look at Larry's brick steps he finished up a few weeks ago. The stone steps we had here were in terrible shape. I really like how these came out.

The wreath was a little project yesterday. Before the shutdown I'd bought a string of Easter lights--pretty pale pastels--thinking they'd be nice to use somewhere besides in Easter decor. My $1 string livened up the $2 wreath nicely.

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More begonias in planters, with the green edge of the greenhouses showing. We just put up the lattice to replace a stone wall that toppled during the winter. So more paint will be needed to finish it up.

This guy was snoozing on the step this morning, and didn't even notice me standing right above him.

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And yesterday evening, we had a surprising visitor: a Chinese pheasant! I'm sorry for the photo quality but as you can see he was on the run. I have no idea where it came from, or where it went. But it sure was pretty.

Image may contain: bird, outdoor and nature

Back to the powerwasher, I guess. Larry has lugged it up on the deck for me so I think that's a sign to get back to work.

Stay cool, everyone.
Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I love the planter holder...what a great deal. It would be nice to grow a vine too.

    I let yellow sedum grow where it wants to at my house. It seems to come & go & is easy to control here.

    I'm looking for a metal bench glider like yours to set in our yard. I hope I find one soon!

    What is the plant growing around the birdbath base? I try to reuse as much as I can. Almost anything looks so nice arranged well in a garden.

    The steps look really nice. I need a handy man living with me. And I love the wreath too.

    1. The plant around the birdbath base is lily-of-the-valley. It is really taking over that garden,but I don't mind.

      The glider was a great find a few years ago. Bought it to sell but it found a home here. And thanks for the compliment on the steps. I appreciate my handyman!

  2. Lovely to see photos of your garden, so many of the plants growing are familiar to me. It all looks lush and green I guess the rain did some good!

  3. I also have just the base of a birdbath in my garden, and last year I put a large potted begonia on it. But during the Winter, Moxie has claimed it, and sits on it "like Patience on a monument" so I think the begonia will go elsewhere this year :)


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