
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 93: A Cooking Kind of Day

68 this morning and cloudy.

Today turned into a cooking day. I didn't plan it but that's what happened. Those cherries, you see. After a morning packing ebay, catching up on blogs and housework, I was finally ready to make pie.

I ended up with a beautiful cherry pie, and 8 turnovers that didn't last long enough for a photo. We also put on a large kettle of sassafras tea which was put in jugs for the freezer for later use.

I finished baking just in time for the poetry workshop group meeting on Zoom. They are so good I often wonder why they have me in their midst! But I am learning a lot. One member was just selected Poet Laureate for Ohio so you can see the level of talent. It was a very good workshop, and lots of good conversation too.

After that I went out to the garden. I weeded my little row of leeks, then picked lettuce, kale and beets for dinner, brought them in and made salad, cooked the greens in chicken broth, and made a pan of friec potatoes. Now Larry is grilling salmon and that will be dinner, with the pie and ice cream for dessert.

Homegrown, homemade food is the best...but it also takes a lot if time. Thankfully we now have the time to prepare it. I miss being out with friends---and today would have been a storytelling day--but we can make the best of this gift of time, can't we?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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