
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 104: Projects Update

72 this morning, cloudy and looking like rain, but only a few sprinkles all day. So we watered the gardens and potted plants. Maybe tonight the rain will come. At least it was another breezy and comfortable day, don't think it got over 83 today.

I promised photos of Larry's root cellar project and the furniture I've been working on, so here they are forthwith:

The piles of totes and other things are what needs to go on the new shelves. He's on the second set, and should finish tomorrow. I am excited about this! And can't wait to get in there and organize everything.

My projects: this chair has been on hold for a month, and for no reason except that I did a bad, hurry-up job of painting it and so it needed to be sanded and re-waxed. Haste makes waste, and this was proof. Now it's ready to go.

These two chairs have also been waiting for weeks. I started them, then pulled off to work on other things. They are finally finished.

I started painting this end table today. Still a long way to go, and it has a mate, so twice as long to go, actually.

This cabinet is done. It isn't my favorite of the things I've worked on lately, but it's done. And I hope it finds a new home.

Now THIS is my favorite! This has also been on hold while I figured out a problem: the wood stain took unevenly on the drawers and looked terrible, with light and dark splotches. I sanded it off, re-stained, tried dark wax, sanded again and stained again, and finally tried some dark sealing glaze on the light places, let it sit a while, then applied the glaze to the whole drawers. Success at last! I really really did not want to paint the drawers but that was beginning to seem like the only option left.

Even the back is right pretty.

Costs of this dresser: $9.99 for the dresser at Goodwill (they had another, cheap and ugly but newer dresser for $49.99 that day); $20 for new drawer pulls, $1.00 for casters, probably another $10 in paint, stain, paper, etc. It should sell for about $199. Both of us have a lot of time in this one--Larry replaced the bottom, fixed a couple drawers, removed some bad veneer and added the casters. I sanded, painted, stained, glazed, waxed, searched online for pulls and put them on, and lined the drawers. Per hour, we might make $5 but I am so happy with the result.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You do such a nice job on all of that furniture! Do you have a stash of fabric that you use for the seats, or do you go out and purchase new depending on each piece of furniture? -Jenn

    1. Thanks, Jenn! I have a fabric stash, but am running low on fabrics I really like. So for these chairs, I found what I wanted on ebay. Usually my fabrics are old drapes, sheets, quilts, or upholstery remnants I find at thrifts, so these cost me more than I would normally invest. And sometimes I buy new fabric at Walmart or elsewhere if I just can't find something to suit me.

  2. That dresser was worth the effort - it looks lovely! A unique and eye-catching piece that will doubtless find an appreciative home :)

    1. Thanks, Quinn! I could just see it looking like this, but it was a winding path to get it here.

  3. Your projects all look wonderful! I am so glad to hear that you were able to sort out the problem with the drawers, sometimes persistence sometimes pays off, doesn't it?


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